.NET Connection and Connection Pool for Salesforce SOAP API. Navigate to this blog post for design and use case explanation.
For unity you can use a singleton registration (ContainerControlledLifetimeManager) for the connection pool and then a HierarchicalLifetimeManager to automatically call the custom dispose method on the SalesforceConnection object (the dispose method is overridden on SalesforceConnectionPool to put the instance back into the connection pool).
//Register Singleton connection pool.
container.RegisterType<ISalesforceConnectionPool, SalesforceConnectionPool>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
//This registration calls the SalesforceConnectionPool Singleton to get a connection everytime a connection
//is requested. The HierarchicalLifetimeManager is important here because it is makes sure the Dispose()
//method is called on the SalesforceConnection that puts it back into the SalesforceConnectionPool.
container.RegisterType<ISalesforceConnection>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager(),
new InjectionFactory(s => container.Resolve<ISalesforceConnectionPool>().GetConnection()));
Examples of CRUD opperations provided byt the SalesforceConnection class. These are also available in the Program.cs of the salesforce.connection.unity.demo project
using (var salesforceConnection = container.Resolve<ISalesforceConnection>())
//Query for all contacts and print information to console
var contacts = salesforceConnection.Query<Contact>("SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM Contact");
Console.WriteLine("All Contacts");
contacts.ForEach(c => Console.WriteLine($"{c.FirstName} {c.LastName} (Id: {c.Id})"));
using (var salesforceConnection = container.Resolve<ISalesforceConnection>())
//Create new contact
var newContact = new Contact {FirstName = "Sales", LastName = "Force"};
Console.WriteLine("New Contact");
Console.WriteLine($"{newContact.FirstName} {newContact.LastName} (Id: {newContact.Id})");
//Delete Contact
salesforceConnection.Delete(new List<string> {newContact.Id});
using (var salesforceConnection = container.Resolve<ISalesforceConnection>())
//Bulk Create Contacts
var contactList = new List<Contact>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
contactList.Add(new Contact {FirstName = $"{i}_Sales_{i}", LastName = $"{i}_Force_{i}"});
//Print contacts to show new Ids
Console.WriteLine("New Contacts Saved using BulkSave");
contactList.ForEach(c => Console.WriteLine($"{c.FirstName} {c.LastName} (Id: {c.Id})"));
//Bulk Delete Contacts
salesforceConnection.Delete(contactList.Select(c => c.Id).ToList());