Geographically unique merch - create your own design from components generated using your location's geospatial data.
git clone
Get WSL 2
Initialize Ubuntu distro using
wsl --install -d Ubuntu
and runsudo apt update && upgrade
Make sure you're still in WSL because the next commands are going to be run from there
We're using yarn as our project package manager and Node LTS
curl -o- | bash
nvm install --lts
For following conventional commits
npm i -g commitizen
"Replaces large files such as audio samples, videos, datasets, and graphics with text pointers inside Git"
- Official Docs
sudo apt install git-lfs
For managing packages, but in our case we just want Just
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
sudo apt install build-essential
For running automated scripts that make the development process easier
cargo install just
- Get Docker Desktop and during installation, make sure to check this field
- After installation, run
wsl -l
, if installation was successful, you should see something like this
- Start Docker Desktop, go to the resources section in settings and turn on this option
- That should be it! Open WSL by typing
in the terminal and try runningdocker,
and look for any output from Docker
Sets up the development environment
just setup
Starts the applications
just dev
It should look something like this
Stops the applications
You will need to do Ctrl+C to stop the frontend app first
just stop
Format files
just format
Commit staged files
just commit
Build containers
docker-compose build
If you want to just run the apps without just dev
for some reason
docker-compose up
To run in detached mode
docker-compose up -d
And to bring the apps down use
docker-compose down
For commit formating we're using conventional commits provided by commitizen
You can do git commit
instead but you must use the conventional commit format anyway