Pre Release v2.0.0a11 🌈
released this
05 Mar 12:46
3564 commits
to master
since this release
💫 Changes
- Fix: 缩写查询插件 repo @yanyongyu (#254)
- Docs: 添加 Vercel 文档镜像链接 @StarHeartHunt (#246)
- Docs: update how-to-work doc @AkiraXie (#242)
- fix nonebot_plugin_cocdicer link error @abrahum (#236)
- Fix: site deploy ci @yanyongyu (#231)
- Update @danuonuo (#226)
- Fix: plugin import hook and remove literal type @yanyongyu (#224)
- Docs: 添加 从IDE启动的相关问题 提示 @StarHeartHunt (#217)
- Fix:
repo link error @yanyongyu (#215) - Doc: use github action instead of netlify ci/cd @yanyongyu (#211)
- Update Docs @yanyongyu (#206)
- Docs: 添加“运行时钩子”一节 @StarHeartHunt (#205)
- Update docs for 2.0.0a10 @yanyongyu (#204)
💥 Breaking Changes
- Pre Release 2.0.0a11 @yanyongyu (#260)
- Breaking: change nonebot project structure @yanyongyu (#218)
🚀 Features
- Breaking: change nonebot project structure @yanyongyu (#218)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix: prompt type error @yanyongyu (#255)
- Bug: adapter can be register more than once @yanyongyu (#243)
- Fix: fix single session bug @AkiraXie (#238)
🍻 Plugin Publish
- Plugin: biliav小程序转换器 @yanyongyu (#259)
- Plugin: 缩写查询器 @yanyongyu (#251)
- Plugin: 猜猜看 @yanyongyu (#249)
- Plugin: nonebot-plugin-r6s @yanyongyu (#245)
- Plugin: 跑团记录记录器 @yanyongyu (#233)
- Plugin: nonebot-plugin-cocdicer @yanyongyu (#230)
- Plugin: 网易云无损音乐下载 @yanyongyu (#214)
- Plugin: hk-reporter @yanyongyu (#210)
- Plugin: Arcaea 查分器 @yanyongyu (#208)