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Implement a conversion to fgl Graph
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infinity0 committed Jun 13, 2020
1 parent 78f1764 commit 60bc32f
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Showing 4 changed files with 219 additions and 97 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ghc-heap-view.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,8 +70,10 @@ Library
base >= 4.12 && < 4.15,
Expand Down
203 changes: 114 additions & 89 deletions src/GHC/HeapView.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ module GHC.HeapView (
-- * Pretty printing
-- * Heap maps
-- $heapmap
Expand All @@ -48,6 +49,9 @@ module GHC.HeapView (
-- * Disassembler
-- * Internals
isNil, isCons, isChar, isListF, isStringF,
addBraces, boundMultipleTimes, allBindings, ppBindingMap

Expand All @@ -66,11 +70,14 @@ import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
import Data.Functor
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Function
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,69 +205,72 @@ isNil _ = False
-- The parameter gives the precedendence, to avoid avoidable parenthesises.
ppClosure :: (Int -> b -> String) -> Int -> GenClosure b -> String
ppClosure showBox prec c = case c of
_ | Just ch <- isChar c -> app $
["C#", show ch]
_ | Just (h,t) <- isCons c -> addBraces (5 <= prec) $
showBox 5 h ++ " : " ++ showBox 4 t
ppClosure f i c = runIdentity $ ppClosureF ((Identity .) . f) i c

ppClosureF :: Applicative f => (Int -> b -> f String) -> Int -> GenClosure b -> f String
ppClosureF showBox prec c = case c of
_ | Just ch <- isChar c -> app <$>
pure ["C#", show ch]
_ | Just (h,t) <- isCons c -> addBraces (5 <= prec) <$>
liftA2 (\x y -> x ++ " : " ++ y) (showBox 5 h) (showBox 4 t)
_ | Just vs <- isTup c ->
"(" ++ intercalate "," (map (showBox 0) vs) ++ ")"
ConstrClosure {..} -> app $
name : map (showBox 10) ptrArgs ++ map show dataArgs
ThunkClosure {..} -> app $
"_thunk" : map (showBox 10) ptrArgs ++ map show dataArgs
SelectorClosure {..} -> app
["_sel", showBox 10 selectee]
IndClosure {..} -> app
["_ind", showBox 10 indirectee]
BlackholeClosure {..} -> app
["_bh", showBox 10 indirectee]
APClosure {..} -> app $ map (showBox 10) $
fun : payload
PAPClosure {..} -> app $ map (showBox 10) $
fun : payload
APStackClosure {..} -> app $ map (showBox 10) $
fun : payload
BCOClosure {..} -> app
["_bco", showBox 10 bcoptrs]
ArrWordsClosure {..} -> app
["toArray", "("++show (length arrWords) ++ " words)", intercalate "," (shorten (map show arrWords)) ]
MutArrClosure {..} -> app
(\x -> "(" ++ intercalate "," x ++ ")") <$> (traverse (showBox 0) vs)
ConstrClosure {..} -> app <$>
(\x -> name : x ++ map show dataArgs) <$> (traverse (showBox 10) ptrArgs)
ThunkClosure {..} -> app <$>
(\x -> "_thunk" : x ++ map show dataArgs) <$> (traverse (showBox 10) ptrArgs)
SelectorClosure {..} -> app <$>
(\x -> ["_sel", x]) <$> showBox 10 selectee
IndClosure {..} -> app <$>
(\x -> ["_ind", x]) <$> showBox 10 indirectee
BlackholeClosure {..} -> app <$>
(\x -> ["_bh", x]) <$> showBox 10 indirectee
APClosure {..} -> app <$> traverse (showBox 10)
(fun : payload)
PAPClosure {..} -> app <$> traverse (showBox 10)
(fun : payload)
APStackClosure {..} -> app <$> traverse (showBox 10)
(fun : payload)
BCOClosure {..} -> app <$>
(\x -> ["_bco", x]) <$> showBox 10 bcoptrs
ArrWordsClosure {..} -> app <$>
pure ["toArray", "("++show (length arrWords) ++ " words)", intercalate "," (shorten (map show arrWords)) ]
MutArrClosure {..} -> app <$>
--["toMutArray", "("++show (length mccPayload) ++ " ptrs)", intercalate "," (shorten (map (showBox 10) mccPayload))]
["[", intercalate ", " (shorten (map (showBox 10) mccPayload)),"]"]
MutVarClosure {..} -> app $
["_mutVar", (showBox 10) var]
MVarClosure {..} -> app $
["MVar", (showBox 10) value]
(\x -> ["[", intercalate ", " (shorten x),"]"]) <$> traverse (showBox 10) mccPayload
MutVarClosure {..} -> app <$>
(\x -> ["_mutVar", x]) <$> showBox 10 var
MVarClosure {..} -> app <$>
(\x -> ["MVar", x]) <$> showBox 10 value
FunClosure {..} ->
"_fun" ++ braceize (map (showBox 0) ptrArgs ++ map show dataArgs)
(\x -> "_fun" ++ braceize (x ++ map show dataArgs)) <$> traverse (showBox 0) ptrArgs
BlockingQueueClosure {..} ->
IntClosure {..} -> app
["Int", show intVal]
WordClosure {..} -> app
["Word", show wordVal]
Int64Closure {..} -> app
["Int64", show int64Val]
Word64Closure {..} -> app
["Word64", show word64Val]
AddrClosure {..} -> app
["Addr", show addrVal]
FloatClosure {..} -> app
["Float", show floatVal]
DoubleClosure {..} -> app
["Double", show doubleVal]
pure "_blockingQueue"
IntClosure {..} -> app <$>
pure ["Int", show intVal]
WordClosure {..} -> app <$>
pure ["Word", show wordVal]
Int64Closure {..} -> app <$>
pure ["Int64", show int64Val]
Word64Closure {..} -> app <$>
pure ["Word64", show word64Val]
AddrClosure {..} -> app <$>
pure ["Addr", show addrVal]
FloatClosure {..} -> app <$>
pure ["Float", show floatVal]
DoubleClosure {..} -> app <$>
pure ["Double", show doubleVal]
OtherClosure {..} ->
pure "_other"
UnsupportedClosure {..} ->
pure "_unsupported"
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc_heap(8,10,1)
-- copy-pasta'd from MutArrClosure:
SmallMutArrClosure {..} -> app
SmallMutArrClosure {..} -> app <$>
--["toMutArray", "("++show (length mccPayload) ++ " ptrs)", intercalate "," (shorten (map (showBox 10) mccPayload))]
["[", intercalate ", " (shorten (map (showBox 10) mccPayload)),"]"]
(\x -> ["[", intercalate ", " (shorten x),"]"]) <$> traverse (showBox 10) mccPayload
WeakClosure {..} ->
pure "_weak"
app [a] = a ++ "()"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -500,23 +510,9 @@ ppHeapGraph (HeapGraph m) = letWrapper ++ ppRef 0 (Just heapGraphRoot)
then ""
else "let " ++ intercalate "\n " (map ppBinding bindings) ++ "\nin "

bindingLetter i = case hgeClosure (iToE i) of
ThunkClosure {..} -> 't'
SelectorClosure {..} -> 't'
APClosure {..} -> 't'
PAPClosure {..} -> 'f'
BCOClosure {..} -> 't'
FunClosure {..} -> 'f'
_ -> 'x'

ppBindingMap = M.fromList $
concat $
map (zipWith (\j (i,c) -> (i, [c] ++ show j)) [(1::Int)..]) $
groupBy ((==) `on` snd) $
sortBy (compare `on` snd)
[ (i, bindingLetter i) | i <- bindings ]

ppVar i = ppBindingMap M.! i
ppBindingMap' = ppBindingMap m bindings

ppVar i = ppBindingMap' M.! i
ppBinding i = ppVar i ++ " = " ++ ppEntry 0 (iToE i)

ppEntry prec hge
Expand All @@ -536,33 +532,62 @@ ppHeapGraph (HeapGraph m) = letWrapper ++ ppRef 0 (Just heapGraphRoot)

iToUnboundE i = if i `elem` bindings then Nothing else M.lookup i m

isList :: HeapGraphEntry a -> Maybe ([Maybe HeapGraphIndex])
isList hge =
if isNil (hgeClosure hge)
then return []
else do
(h,t) <- isCons (hgeClosure hge)
ti <- t
e <- iToUnboundE ti
t' <- isList e
return $ (:) h t'

isString :: HeapGraphEntry a -> Maybe String
isString e = do
list <- isList e
-- We do not want to print empty lists as "" as we do not know that they
-- are really strings.
if (null list)
then Nothing
else mapM (isChar . hgeClosure <=< iToUnboundE <=< id) list
isList hge = runIdentity $ runMaybeT $ isListF (maybeT . iToUnboundE) hge

isString e = runIdentity $ runMaybeT $ isStringF (maybeT . iToUnboundE) e

maybeT :: Monad m => Maybe a -> MaybeT m a
maybeT = MaybeT . pure

isListF :: Monad m => (HeapGraphIndex -> MaybeT m (HeapGraphEntry a)) -> HeapGraphEntry a -> MaybeT m [Maybe HeapGraphIndex]
isListF iToUnboundE hge =
if isNil (hgeClosure hge)
then pure []
else do
(h,t) <- maybeT $ isCons (hgeClosure hge)
ti <- maybeT $ t
e <- iToUnboundE ti
t' <- isListF iToUnboundE e
pure $ (:) h t'

isStringF :: Monad m => (HeapGraphIndex -> MaybeT m (HeapGraphEntry a)) -> HeapGraphEntry a -> MaybeT m String
isStringF iToUnboundE e = do
list <- isListF iToUnboundE e
-- We do not want to print empty lists as "" as we do not know that they
-- are really strings.
if (null list)
then maybeT $ Nothing
else mapM (maybeT . isChar . hgeClosure <=< iToUnboundE <=< maybeT) list

ppBindingMap :: M.IntMap (HeapGraphEntry a) -> [Int] -> M.IntMap String
ppBindingMap m bindings = M.fromList $
concat $
map (zipWith (\j (i,c) -> (i, [c] ++ show j)) [(1::Int)..]) $
groupBy ((==) `on` snd) $
sortBy (compare `on` snd)
[ (i, bindingLetter i) | i <- bindings ]
bindingLetter i = case hgeClosure (m M.! i) of
ThunkClosure {} -> 't'
SelectorClosure {} -> 't'
APClosure {} -> 't'
PAPClosure {} -> 'f'
BCOClosure {} -> 't'
FunClosure {} -> 'f'
_ -> 'x'

-- | In the given HeapMap, list all indices that are used more than once. The
-- second parameter adds external references, commonly @[heapGraphRoot]@.
boundMultipleTimes :: HeapGraph a -> [HeapGraphIndex] -> [HeapGraphIndex]
boundMultipleTimes (HeapGraph m) roots = map head $ filter (not.null) $ map tail $ group $ sort $
roots ++ concatMap (catMaybes . allClosures . hgeClosure) (M.elems m)

-- | In the given HeapMap, list all indices. The second parameter adds external
-- references, commonly @[heapGraphRoot]@.
allBindings :: HeapGraph a -> [HeapGraphIndex] -> [HeapGraphIndex]
allBindings (HeapGraph m) roots = map head $ group $ sort $
roots ++ concatMap (catMaybes . allClosures . hgeClosure) (M.elems m)

-- | This function integrates the disassembler in "GHC.Disassembler". The first
-- argument should a function that dereferences the pointer in the closure to a
-- closure.
Expand Down
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions src/GHC/HeapView/Debug.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,11 +58,3 @@ findM p (x:xs) = do
isCharCons :: GenClosure Box -> IO Bool
isCharCons c | Just (h,_) <- isCons c = (isJust . isChar) <$> getBoxedClosureData h
isCharCons _ = return False

isCons :: GenClosure b -> Maybe (b, b)
isCons (ConstrClosure { name = ":", dataArgs = [], ptrArgs = [h,t]}) = Just (h,t)
isCons _ = Nothing

isChar :: GenClosure b -> Maybe Char
isChar (ConstrClosure { name = "C#", dataArgs = [ch], ptrArgs = []}) = Just (chr (fromIntegral ch))
isChar _ = Nothing
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions src/GHC/HeapView/Graph.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, RecordWildCards #-}
{- | Conversions between 'HeapGraph' and 'Graph'.
You may also be interested in the @graphviz@ package which has conversions
between 'Graph' and the DOT format, which can be visualised by other tools.
>>> import GHC.HeapView
>>> import GHC.HeapView.Graph
>>> import qualified Data.GraphViz as GV
>>> import qualified Data.GraphViz.Printing as GV
>>> import Data.Text.Lazy (unpack)
>>> hg <- buildHeapGraph 50 ["root"] $ asBox yourRoot
>>> putStrLn $ ppHeapGraph hg
>>> let dg = GV.graphToDot GV.quickParams $ asStrGraph hg
>>> putStrLn $ unpack $ GV.renderDot $ GV.toDot dg
module GHC.HeapView.Graph where

import GHC.HeapView
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (Gr)

import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.CPS
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.List

{- | Convert a 'HeapGraph' to a 'Graph', most general form.
The first parameter creates a node label and is called for each node. It takes
the 'HeapGraph' user data, the 'HeapGraphEntry' of that node, a string name for
the node, and a string description of the node's contents.
The second parameter creates an edge label and is called for each edge. It
takes the source node label, the 'HeapGraphEntry' of the target node, and a
string name for the target node.
:: DynGraph gr
=> (a -> HeapGraphEntry a -> String -> String -> v)
-> (v -> HeapGraphEntry a -> String -> e)
-> HeapGraph a
-> gr v e
asGraph mkNodeLabel mkEdgeLabel (HeapGraph m) = M.foldrWithKey build empty m
build k e g =
let (r, kk) = runWriter $ ppEntry e
v = mkNodeLabel (hgeData e) e (ppVar k) r
g1 = insNode (k, v) g
g2 = foldr (\k' g' -> insEdge (k, k', mkEdgeLabel v (m M.! k') (ppVar k')) g') g1 kk
in g2

bindings = allBindings (HeapGraph m) [heapGraphRoot]
ppBindingMap' = ppBindingMap m bindings
ppVar i = ppBindingMap' M.! i

ppEntry hge = do
runMaybeT (isString hge) >>= \case
Just s -> pure $ show s
Nothing -> runMaybeT (isList hge) >>= \case
Just l -> (\x -> "[" ++ intercalate "," x ++ "]") <$> traverse ppRef l
Nothing -> case disassembleBCO (fmap (hgeClosure . (m M.!))) (hgeClosure hge) of
Just bc -> app <$> ("_bco" :) <$> traverse ppRef (concatMap F.toList bc)
Nothing -> ppClosureF (const ppRef) 0 (hgeClosure hge)
app [a] = a ++ "()"
app xs = intercalate " " xs

ppRef Nothing = pure "..."
ppRef (Just i) = do
tell [i]
pure (ppVar i)

iToUnboundEF i = if i `elem` bindings
then MaybeT . pure $ Nothing
else do
lift $ tell [i]
MaybeT . pure $ M.lookup i m

isList hge = isListF iToUnboundEF hge

isString e = isStringF iToUnboundEF e

-- | 'asGraph' specialised to 'Gr' a concrete graph.
-- For convenience for people unfamiliar with @fgl@.
:: (a -> HeapGraphEntry a -> String -> String -> b)
-> (b -> HeapGraphEntry a -> String -> e)
-> HeapGraph a
-> Gr b e
asAGraph = asGraph

-- | 'asGraph' with default values for @mkNodeLabel@ and @mkEdgeLabel@
asStrGraph :: Show a => HeapGraph [a] -> Gr String String
asStrGraph = asGraph mkNode mkEdge
mkNode d _ k v = maybeShow d <> k <> " =\n" <> fmap trSp v
mkEdge _ _ k' = k'
maybeShow d = if null d then "" else show d <> " // "
trSp ' ' = '\n'
trSp c = c

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