Code | Origin | Currency |
USD | US | dollar |
JPY | Japanese | yen |
BGN | Bulgarian | lev |
CZK | Czech | koruna |
DKK | Danish | krone |
GBP | Pound | sterling |
HUF | Hungarian | forint |
PLN | Polish | zloty |
RON | Romanian | leu |
SEK | Swedish | krona |
CHF | Swiss | franc |
ISK | Icelandic | krona |
NOK | Norwegian | krone |
HRK | Croatian | kuna |
RUB | Russian | rouble |
TRY | Turkish | lira |
AUD | Australian | dollar |
BRL | Brazilian | real |
CAD | Canadian | dollar |
CNY | Chinese | yuan renminbi |
HKD | Hong Kong | dollar |
IDR | Indonesian | rupiah |
ILS | Israeli | shekel |
INR | Indian | rupee |
KRW | South Korean | won |
MXN | Mexican | peso |
MYR | Malaysian | ringgit |
NZD | New Zealand | dollar |
PHP | Philippine | peso |
SGD | Singapore | dollar |
THB | Thai | baht |
ZAR | South African | rand |
EUR | European | euro |
Alternatives to run this code:
- You can download this project and execute the file as
- Make it executable with
chmod +x
and run it as./
- Edit your bash config file:
vim ~/.bashrc
and create a function at the bottom to the file with your desired function name, refresh the file withsource .bashrc
# convert $1500 American dollars to Mexican pesos
$ ./convert 1500 USD MXN
💵 1 USD = 💲19.225282167 MXN
💱 1500 USD = 💲28837.923250500 MXN
# convert $2334 Euros to Canadian dollars
$ ./convert 2334 EUR CAD
💵 1 EUR = 💲1.4661 CAD
💱 2334 EUR = 💲3421.8774 CAD
Exchange rates API is a free service for current and historical foreign exchange rates published by the European Central Bank
Euro foreign exchange reference rates The reference rates are usually updated around 16:00 CET on every working day, except on TARGET closing days. They are based on a regular daily concertation procedure between central banks across Europe, which normally takes place at 14:15 CET.