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This JavaScript SDK is thin wrapper of MegaFuel clients, offering a streamlined interface to interact with the MegaFuel. For more information, please refer to the API documentation.

Network Endpoint

Network Paymaster Sponsor
BSC mainnet{YOUR_API_KEY}/megafuel
BSC testnet{YOUR_API_KEY}/megafuel-testnet
opBNB mainnet{YOUR_API_KEY}/megafuel
opBNB testnet{YOUR_API_KEY}/megafuel-testnet

Quick Start

  1. Install dependency
 $ npm install megafuel-js-sdk
  1. Example
import 'dotenv/config';
import {ethers} from "ethers";
import {PaymasterClient, SponsorClient} from 'megafuel-js-sdk';

const PAYMASTER_URL = ""
const SPONSOR_URL = "{YOUR_API_KEY}/megafuel"

const POLICY_UUID = "a2381160-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxceca86556834"
const TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0xeD2.....12Ee"
const RECIPIENT_ADDRESS = "0x8e9......3EA2"
const YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY = "69......929"

const paymasterClient = new PaymasterClient(PAYMASTER_URL);
const network = await paymasterClient.getNetwork();
const sponsorClient = new SponsorClient(SPONSOR_URL, null, {staticNetwork: ethers.Network.from(Number(network.chainId))});

try {
  // sponsor the tx that interact with the stable coin ERC20 contract
  const res = await sponsorClient.addToWhitelist({
    WhitelistType: WhitelistType.ToAccountWhitelist,
  console.log("Added ERC20 contract address to whitelist ", res);
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Error:", error)

const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY);
const tokenAbi = ["function transfer(address,uint256) returns (bool)"]; // ERC20 token ABI (only including the transfer function)
const tokenContract = new ethers.Contract(TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, tokenAbi, wallet); // Create contract instance
// Get the current nonce for the sender's address
const nonce = await paymasterClient.getTransactionCount(wallet.address, 'pending');
const tokenAmount = ethers.parseUnits('1.0', 18); // Amount of tokens to send (adjust decimals as needed)
const transaction = await tokenContract.transfer.populateTransaction(RECIPIENT_ADDRESS, tokenAmount);

// Add nonce and gas settings
transaction.from = wallet.address;
transaction.nonce = nonce;
transaction.gasLimit = 100000; // Adjust gas limit as needed for token transfers
transaction.chainId = network.chainId;
transaction.gasPrice = 0; // Set gas price to 0

try {
  const sponsorableInfo = await paymasterClient.isSponsorable(transaction);
  console.log('Sponsorable Information:', sponsorableInfo);
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error checking sponsorable status:', error);

try {
  // Sign the transaction
  const signedTx = await wallet.signTransaction(transaction);
  // Send the raw transaction using the sending provider
  const tx = await paymasterClient.sendRawTransaction(signedTx);
  console.log('Transaction sent:', tx);
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error sending transaction:', error);

More examples can be found in the examples.