Customer tracker is a simple way to keep track of you business clients through name and previous conversations. You can ADD, DELETE, EDIT a customers name and make comments on previous conversations.
You will need to sign up as a user. Once created and signed in you will have full access to your customers.
Fork and clone the repo to your local machine.
Run "bundle install" in your terminal
If you are using this on your local machine, shotgun is preventing sessions from being logged. Thin is recommended to start a server on you local machine by running "thin start" in your terminal.
Customer_tracker relies on sessions to post comments on a customers feed. You will need to create your own .env folder with a SESSION_SECRET.
Create file in root directory named '.env'. In it define a SESSION_SECRET.
then your ApplicationController will call ENV["SESSION_SECRET"] to set your sessions. You do not need to edit any code in the ApplicationController.