A collection of gen~ patchers compatible with the Electrosmith Daisy Patch eurorack module
A gate skipper similar to the Skipmin but with CV control and doesn't cost a roughly a billion dollars for a used module.
Audio in 1-4: signal input. The gates to possibly skip
Controls 1-4: manual control over probability. All the way left: 0%. All the way right: 100%
CV 1-4: modulate the probability with CV. Controls 1-4 trim the input signals in this mode.
Audio out 1-4: gate output. The gates after possibly skipping some.
A 4-channel clock divider
Audio in 1: clock input (gate/trigger signals and even oscillators at decent amplitudes will work)
Controls 1-4: manual control over the clock divisions for outputs 1/4, respectively.
CV 1-4: modulate the clock divisions for Controls 1-4, respectively.
Audio out 1-4: clock divisions out.