A model designed to recognize solid pharmaceuticals
Dataset 1:
- https://datadiscovery.nlm.nih.gov/Drugs-and-Chemicals/Computational-Photography-Project-for-Pill-Identif/5jdf-gdqh/about_data (provided by the National Library of Medicine) Dataset 2:
- https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/trumedicines/pharmaceutical-tablets-dataset (provided by Gaurav Dutta on Kaggle)
NOTE: Due to the size of the dataset the datasets must be downloaded if the code should be run.
How to run the code:
- Repository File Overview:
- DrIDENT-code.py
needs the following files to run:
- metadata: table.csv from Dataset 1, Training_set.csv from Dataset 2
- images in folders: original from Dataset 1, train from Dataset 2 After downloading the datasets please insert the path to both the metadata and the images in order to run the code.
Please make sure the following packages are installed:
- numpy
- pandas
- cv2
- os
- math
- matplotlib.pyplot
- tensorflow
- pickle
- scikit-learn
- streamlit
- tf2onnx
- io
- DrIDENT.pptx
- DrIDENT.pdf
- DrIDENT-code.py