- Git set up on your machine
- Github account
- worked trough Git, Github tutorials
Fork this repository to your Github account
clone your fork to the econ108/homeworks/ directory on your computer
go into the cloned repo
cd econ108-hw0
check the status of the repo
git status
create a copy of who-am-I.yml file and rename it to first_name-last_name.yml (replace EVERYWHERE with your names!)
cp who-am-I.yml first_name-last_name.yml
open first_name-last_name.yml and fill in your information. (if you have installed VScode use the following command to open the file. Otherwise, use any text editor, like notepad)
code first_name-last_name.yml
check the status of the repo
add the modified first_name-last_name.yml file to the staging area
git add first_name-last_name.yml
check the status of the repo
commit the file with the message "add first_name-last_name.yml"
git commit -m "add first_name-last_name.yml"
check the status of the repo
push your commit to your remote
git push
go to your fork on Github
create a pull request
you are done!