Forgotten is a logic-centered game in which users must solve puzzles to progress through levels of increasing difficulty. They must complete logic tasks that correspond to the trajectory of the storyline in order to unfold the mystery behind Forgotten.
- Gregory Susko
- Matthew Palamos
- Ryan Attick
- Yessengerey 'Gary' Bolatov
View the project roadmap here
See for contribution guidelines.
No specific usage requirements
- Node 6.9.x
- Redis 3.2.x
- Postgresql 9.6.x
- etc
brew install redis
brew install postgresql
npm install --save grunt grunt-cli
npm install -g grunt-cli knex eslint
Override settings config/default.json
in any environment by making a copy of config/ENV.example.json
and naming it config/ENV.json
and setting the appropriate variable.
For environments that require use of environment variables, you can supply variables as defined in config/custom-environment-variables.json
See And
IMPORTANT: ensure postgres
is running before performing these steps.
Use grunt to create a new database for your development and test environments:
Development environment: grunt pgcreatedb:default
Other environments, specify like so: NODE_ENV=test grunt pgcreatedb:default
In terminal, from the root directory:
To migrate to the latest version, run:
knex migrate:latest --env NODE_ENV
To rollback a version, run:
knex migrate:rollback --env NODE_ENV
To populate the database with seed data, run:
knex seed:run --env NODE_ENV
Note: --env NODE_ENV
may be omitted for development. For example, knex migrate:latest
will run all migrations in the development environment, while knex migrate:latest --env test
will migrate in the test environment.
To run webpack build: npm run build
To run server: npm run start
To run tests: npm run test
To run your redis server for the session store redis-server