Changes in 0.2.1:
- #44: Added common select component
- #56: Markdown renderer support
- #98: Fix for ratio of main interface background elements
- #100: Optimization of player script and animation frames
- #97: Fix for animation displayed on second keypress
- #72: Changed application builder to eliminate squirrel errors
- #95: Use translation system to display text in correct language on splash screen
- #93: Created info box at the top of the page
- #50: Detect system default language and use it if not chosen earlier
- #54: Adjust translation system
- #53: Create translation file structure
- #83: Turn off double click to not mark html structures
- #84: Do not let players resize window under certain size
- #81: Add new languages and correct old ones if code is off
- #82: Adjustments to splash screen
- #76: Fix Linux build not working
- #74: Facility for building multiple app versions by one command
- #72: Fix Squirrel not installing app
Release date: March 24, 2024.