Add Custom Context Menu For Windows11
Windows store | Github release | Github Action |
Windows store | Github release | Github Action |
free , no limit , buy = coffee | use self-signed certificate | test only |
store package | github package , dev package | github package, dev package |
- store : ...m9vp3t2f55f5t.Msixbundle
- github : ContextMenuCustomGithubPackage
- dev : ContextMenuCustomDevPackage
from v3.8,store package,github package,dev package can be installed at the same time
- download file and copy to menu folder
- toggle cache when cache is on
Compress By 7z.json
Debug Echo 2.json
Debug Echo 3.json
Debug Echo.json
Echo path.json
Extract by 7z (only v3.9+).json
Extract by 7z.json
Install Apk By Adb.json
Open In Explorer.json
Open In Windows Photo Viewer.json
Open TortoiseGit Sync Window.json
Open With Notepad.json
Open With VScode.json
Push File By Adb.json
Send Image To Wsa By Adb.json
// powershell and multity files
Calculate Md5 By PowerShell.json
some from thanks for share