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Releases: niksavc/Xarus-SS
Releases · niksavc/Xarus-SS
Xarus SS (v.1.1)
__ __ _____ _____ __ __ _______ ______ _ __
\ \ / / / ___/ ___| / | / | / / ___ \ | ___ \ | | \ \
\ V / __ _ _ __ _ _ ___ \ `--.\ `--. __ __`| | `| | | || |_/ / __ ___ ______| |_/ / ___| |_ __ _| |
/ \ / _` | '__| | | / __| `--. \`--. \ \ \ / / | | | | | || __/ '__/ _ \______| ___ \/ _ \ __/ _` | |
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\/ \/\__,_|_| \__,_|___/ \____/\____/ \_(_)\___(_)___/ | |\_| |_| \___| \____/ \___|\__\__,_| |
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local function webImport(file)
return loadstring(game:HttpGetAsync((""):format(owner, branch, file)), file .. '.lua')()
Xarus SS
Xarus SS - this is free server side executor.
What's new!
- Added 2 buttons!
- Hide Button and Rejoin Button.
- Added Effect Buttons!
- This is not bad effect.
- Added FPS Counter!
- This is not bad FPS Counter.
Xarus SS (v.1.0)
this is testing version