This repository contains the implementation of the method proposed in ICCV23 paper "Nikola Popovic, Danda Pani Paudel, Luc Van Gool - Surface Normal Clustering for Implicit Representation of Manhattan Scenes".
Novel view synthesis and 3D modeling using implicit neural field representation are shown to be very effective for calibrated multi-view cameras. Such representations are known to benefit from additional geometric and semantic supervision. Most existing methods that exploit additional supervision require dense pixel-wise labels or localized scene priors. These methods cannot benefit from high-level vague scene priors provided in terms of scenes' descriptions. In this work, we aim to leverage the geometric prior of Manhattan scenes to improve the implicit neural radiance field representations. More precisely, we assume that only the knowledge of the indoor scene (under investigation) being Manhattan is known -- with no additional information whatsoever -- with an unknown Manhattan coordinate frame. Such high-level prior is used to self-supervise the surface normals derived explicitly in the implicit neural fields. Our modeling allows us to cluster the derived normals and exploit their orthogonality constraints for self-supervision. Our exhaustive experiments on datasets of diverse indoor scenes demonstrate the significant benefit of the proposed method over the established baselines.
conda create --name ENV_NAME python=3.8.5
conda activate ENV_NAME
pip install --ignore-installed torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 torchaudio==0.11.0 --extra-index-url
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install torch-scatter -f
pip install git+
git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./
# Had to comment out some line for this to work:
pip install plotly==5.10.0
pip install imgviz
pip install h5py
pip install pandas
pip install wandb
# The line below needs to be called every time the cuda scripts are modified
pip install models/csrc/
- Download all Hypersim scenes by using the script at
. Provide necessary arguments when calling the script. Please note that the argument args.contains is already hardcoded in main(), to download only files useful for this repo (each scene has many other accompanying files that are not used, and therefore not downloaded). If you want to download only a subset of scenes (e.g. only 20 scenes from split A), you need to modify the script. One way is to comment out the defined variable URLS = [..] and create a new one with desired scenes. - After downloading, the dataset root should contain a folder for every scene
(e.g. "d_root/ai_053_004"). Inside every scene's folder should be a folderd_root/scene/_detail
and a folderd_root/scene/images
. Insided_root/scene/images
, there should bed_root/scene/images/scene_cam_00_final_hdf5
where images are stored as hdf5 files, as well asd_root/scene/images/scene_cam_00_geometry_hdf5
where depth maps, normal maps and semantics are stored. Sometimes, a scene has multiple cameras, and there are cam_01, cam_02,... versions of these two folders, which will never be used because only the first camera trajectory is used. - The following files contained in
should be copied to the Hypersim rootd_root/
- Download prepared scenes available at this repo, and place them into the root of the ScanNet dataset directory.
- Download pre-rendered scenes available at this repo, and place them into the root of the Replica dataset directory.
Multiple useful script for batching experiments can be found in code_root/experiments/hypersim/
, code_root/experiments/scannet_man
and code_root/experiments/replica_semnerf
. In the following it will be explained how to run Hypersin experiments, since scripts for other datasets are very similar.
The script code_root/experiments/hypersim/
reads hyperparameter values from code_root/experiments/hypersim/
and creates a linux bash script with instructions to train a NeRF for one specified scene with the specified hyperparameters. Similarily, code_root/experiments/hypersim/
create many linux bash script to train NeRF's for all Hypersim scenes. Similarily, code_root/experiments/hypersim/
creates bash scripts with instructions to train on specified Hypersim-{A/B/C} splits. These scripts are made with the assumption that jobs are batched via the SLURM or LSF cluster batching system, which is reflected in the way these bash scripts are made. The advice here is to generate a script with code_root/experiments/hypersim/
, adapt it to your computing environment, remove all unnecessary commands related to the cluster, and run it. For running directly from the terminal, most probably everything before the like which calls python
can be removed. For clarity, some of the additional things that these scripts do for my environment are: specifying cluster job requirements; activating environment and dependencies on the cluster; sending compressed data to the cluster and uncompressing it;...
Running code_root/
will train a NeRF for the specified scene on the training split, evaluate on the test split, while logging everything to Weights&Biases. It will also create a folder for every experiment inside the experiment root directory, which will contain the result summary, network weights, rendered images, etc.
Please feel free to reach out if there are any questions, suggestion or issues with the code. My e-mail is [email protected].
The code in this repo is build on top of the excellent ngp_pl repository.
If you use this code, please consider citing the following paper:
title = {Surface Normal Clustering for Implicit Representation of Manhattan Scenes},
author = {Popovic, Nikola and
Paudel, Danda Pani and
Van Gool, Luc},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023}