This repository contains source code (R/Rcpp) required to run spatial population dynamics simualation.
- Install R (R Installer) - latest version used is 3.6.2
- Install Rtools (Rtools Installer)
- Install required R packages from CRAN (devtools, Rcpp, BH)
- Install this source package using devtools
TODO: like windows but without Rtools
TODO: Like Linux
- Prepare named list of simulation options. Parameters:
- area_length_x - area size
- cell_count_x - used to split simulation interval into subintervals for filtering negliable interactions.
- b - poisson birth rate
- d - poisson death rate
- dd - competitive death rate
- seed - RNG seed
- init_density - per unit starting density of speciments
- death_kernel_r - max death kernel interaction radius
- death_kernel_y - death kernel values on uniform grid on [0, death_kernel_r] interval
- birth_kernel_r - max birth kernel interaction radius
- birth_kernel_y - birth kernel values on uniform grid on [0, birth_kernel_r] interval
- spline_precision - tries to keep spline approximation precise up to this value (for numerical integration and cdf inversal)
- Run simulation for specified time or number of events
sim$run_events(1e9) sim$run_for(100)
- Extract and visualize results (using packages spatstat and tidyverse)
sim$time sim$total_population sim$get_all_coordinates() points <- ppp(sim$get_all_coordinates(), rep(0,sim$total_population), c(0,sim$area_length_x), c(-sim$area_length_x/2,sim$area_length_x/2) ) pcf_grid = seq(0,1,length.out = 1001) K_estimate <- Kest(points,r=pcf_grid,correction="Ripley") pcf_estimate <- data.frame(Kest=K_estimate$iso/2,x=pcf_grid)%>% mutate(pfc=(Kest-lag(Kest))/(pcf_grid-lag(pcf_grid))/sim$area_length_x)%>% pull(pfc) ggplot(data=data.frame(x=pcf_grid,y=pcf_estimate),aes(x=x,y=y))+ geom_point()
- Check examples in this repository (tests, examples)