Utilities for parsing CAZy GI numbers, and creating blastDB compatible fasta files and MetaCyc functional hierarchies. Assumes the use of an sqlite database to create hierarchy.
: A simple script to download CAZy HTML pages from http://www.cazy.org/. Uses the structure of their URL to download all the HTML tables from each family.
: Script parses HTML tables files downloaded with download_cazy_pages.py
to export
This procedure worked at time of writing, but I antisipate that it may have to be re-factored slightly if the CAZy HTML format or NCBI API changes.
python download_cazy_pages.py
Note: You may want to check the families
dictionary to make sure there are no new CAZy families added.
- parse HTML files and load into the SQLite database
python load_cazy_db.py -i *html --db CAZY_SQLITE_DB
: is a glob of the CAZy HTML tables downloaded in the previous step--db
: path to the CAZY_SQLITE_DB
Note: The script currently assume the SQLite database contains a table of the form:
CREATE TABLE `CAZY_2014_09_04` (
`fam` TEXT,
`num` TEXT,
`super` TEXT,
`org` TEXT,
`protein` TEXT,
`ec` TEXT,
`genbank` TEXT,
`uniprot` TEXT,
`pdb` TEXT,
`subf` TEXT
pulls all the unique NCBI GI numbers from the SQLite and pulls from from the Web API in batches of 500- Produces a FASTA file compatible with the CAZy hierarchy for MetaPathways
- Note: A stable internet connection is critical here
python refseq_seqs_from_db.py --db <SQLITE_DB> -t <DB_ TABLE_NAME> -o <OUTPUT_FILE>
- extract CAZy functional hierarchy for MetaPathways from the SQLite database
python extract_cazy_hierarchy_from_db.py --db <SQLITE_DB> -t <DB_ TABLE_NAME> -o <OUTPUT_FILE>