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Path Of Exile - Companion (AHK)

Auto-flask, Auto-Quit, 1-key Fast-pot, Trade-Spam, Gem-Swap, Auto-Divination Trade, Auto ID Items, Ctrl-Click & Shift-Click automations (sell, buy, currency spamm), various QoL shortcuts


  • Have the game in Windowed FullScreen (preferably 1920x1080, DX11, Steam)

  • Have your HP bar above character enabled from game settings

  • Make sure you have the character max-zoom out!

  • Replace PoeCompanion.INI with the INI that suits your resolution and game type (STEAM/Standalone)


  • Most of the functions will work automaticaly on Windowed FullScreen 1920x1080 DX11 with wisdom & portal scrolls on the last 2 positions of the first row.

  • GemSwap and Auto-Flask will need changes in the INI based on your setup and prefferences.

  • For different resolutions all you need to do is to use ALT+O in game to find your resolution coordinates and change them in the INI file (10 mins work).

  • Run as Administrator if you want to use Auto-Quit! You dont need to run as admin if you just want to use the exit to character screen.


Last Version:


ALT+F10: Start/Stop Trade-Spammer: Modify your PoeCompanion.INI TradeMessage, Channels and Delays.

ALT+Y Invite the last char who whispered you to party

CTRL+Y Invite the last char who whispered you to trade

ALT+F11: Start/Stop Auto-Quit

ALT+F12: Start/Stop Auto-Pot. Setup in the INI file the flasks and cooldowns !!!

` Pressing ` once will press 1,2,3,4,5 in fast seqvence

ALT+K: Start/Stop Action on a timmer: Now you can setup a specific key to be pressed every X seconds. ... detonate mines, summon golem, keep firing buffs etc

ALT+Space Open a portal using a portal scroll from the top right inv slot

ALT+I ID all items in Inventory

SHIFT+I ID all items in the opened stash tab

ALT+C CtrlClick full inventory (move all to stash or sell all to vendor), excepting the last 2 columnns

SHIFT+C CtrlClick the opened stash tab to move 12 X 4 (rows x columns) to the Inventory

ALT+X: CtrClick the opened tab starting from the MousePointer (needs to be a top cell). Usefull to move the second part of a stash tab to inventory.

ALT+V Trade all your divinations

ALT+F Shift-Click 50 times (Use it for Fusings/Jewler 6s/6l crafting)

ALT+M Switch 2 gems (ex: conc effect with area). Use CheckPos to change the gem positions in the function!

ALT+U ALT+U keeps a key pressed until ALT+U is pressed again. Default is Key Q - can be changed in config


CTRL+WheelDown Spam CTRL+CLICK (Spam-buy from vendor, quick move to stash etc )

SHIFT+WheelDown Spam SHIFT+CLICK (Spam-crafting currency eg jewles, fusings)

ALT+Wheel Navigate through stash tabs

ALT+G /global 820

ALT+T /trade 820

ALT+H /hideout

ALT+R /remaining

ALT+B /abandon_daily

ALT+L /itemlevel

ALT+P /passives

ALT+E /exit

ALT+Q Fast logout

ALT+O Get the cursor position. Use it to change the position setup for Identify, OpenPortal, SwitchGem etc

ALT+S Pressing it for 5 times will press 1,2,3,4,5 in fast seqvence ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

ALT+F1 Exit the script

[ Keep [ pressed to exit the current macro loop/function (usefull to exit a CTRL-Click or similar loop when you dont have a full inv)


The macros from the first section are NOT ALLOWED by GGG (EULA), as we send multiple server actions with one button pressed

This can't be identified as we randomize all timmings, but dont use it if you want to stick to the EULA



The script works by clicking and reading data from different static screen locations.

The default setup is for Windowed FullScreen 1920x1080, so for other resolutions, you will need to make a few changes.

To change such a location you just put the mouse in the respective place, press ALT+O, read the coordinates from the pop-out window and modify them in the INI file.


  • Have the game in Windowed FullScreen (preferably 1920x1080, DX11)
  • Have your HP bar above character enabled from game settings
  • Make sure you have the character max-zoom out!
  • Replace PoeCompanion.INI with the INI that suits your resolution and game type (STEAM/Standalone) if I provided one on GitHub.

Windowed FullScreen 1920x1080, DX11: GemSwap & Auto-Flask

The default ini/config is for the Steam version.

For Standalone version of 1920x1080, replace first the PoeCompanion.INI with the contents of PoeCompanion_1920x1080Standalone.ini.


  1. Put the mouse over the Gem you currently use, press ALT+O and replace the in the INI file the CurrentGemX and CurrentGemY values with the ones from the pop-up window.

  2. Do the same for the Gem you want to swap for, and change AlternateGemX and AlternateGemY

  3. Save the INI file and restart the script.

  4. Close the Inventory and press ALT+M. The script should change the Gems between themselfs.

If your alternate gem is on the secondary weapons slot (II), leave AlternateGemOnSecondarySlot=1.

If you keep the alternate gem in the inventory, put AlternateGemOnSecondarySlot=0

Trade Spam


TradeDelay=30000 - Delay between 2 rounds of Trade spamming

TradeChannelDelay=2500 - Delay between 2 messages (in 2 consecutive channels)



TradeMessage=WTB Ex 1:85c, Alch 4:1c, Jew 13:1c, Alt 15:1c, Chroma 15:1c - CHANGE this as you need!


The default flask setup/example is based on my usage on the current character, so you need to change it, to fit your flask setup. You can use any flask and any trigger combinations, by changing the setup in the INI file for the Auto-Pot section:


HPQuitTreshold=25 - No need to change, unless you want

HPLowTreshold=40 - No need to change, unless you want

HPAvgTreshold=65 - No need to change, unless you want

HPHighTreshold=90 - No need to change, unless you want

MainAttackKey=Q - Whatever you use as primary attack

SecondaryAttackKey=W - Secondary attack






CoolDownFlask1=7000 - Flask 1 cooldown (7 secs default)





For example:

TriggerHPAvg=10110 -> Means that when your HP reaches HPAvgTreshold you ask to fire the pot 1,3,4 ... (10110)

TriggerMainAttack=01000 -> Means that when you press the MainAttack button the script will fire the second flask (01000)

CoolDownFlask2=5000 -> Means that Flask 2 will be fired every 5 seconds if/when needed, but not faster

Windowed FullScreen - Other Resolutions/Non DX11

ONLY If you have a different screen resolution than the default one (Windowed FullScreen 1920x1080) you will need to change the following in INI, using ALT+O function while in game. If you use Steam version start from the default Steam version of the INI ... if you use Standalone start from the Standalone one.

Be aware:

  • The expected HPColor is the color of the HP bar without life (the black color of the HP bar that represents the life lost), so dont't pick a green pixel.
  • To pick the Chat color correctly, keep the mouse presseed on it and press ALT+O. (When you just hover ... is changing his color!)

For example, for the inventory change: Put the mouse on the first cell in the inventory, press ALT+O, take the coordinates and modify them in the INI file (InventoryX and InventoryY in this case).


InventoryX=1297 - First cell from the Inventory

InventoryY=616 - First cell from the Inventory

StashX=41 - First cell from the STASH

StashY=188 - First cell from the STASH

PortalScrollX=1859 - Portal scroll position from Inventory

PortalScrollY=616 - Portal scroll position from Inventory

WisdomScrollX=1820 - Wisdom scroll position from Inventory

WisdomScrollY=616 - Wisdom scroll position from Inventory

TradeButtonX=628 - Divination Cards Trade Button position

TradeButtonY=735 - Divination Cards Trade Button position

TradedItemX=646 - Divination Cards Item position

TradedItemY=565 - Divination Cards Item position

GuiX=215 - GUI position

GuiY=935 - GUI position


CurrentGemX=1483 - Curent GEM position

CurrentGemY=372 - Curent GEM position

AlternateGemX=1379 - New Gem position

AlternateGemY=171 - New Gem position


ChatX1=13 - Chat Icon Position - top left of the icon(Chat Icon is the small round icon on the left, just above your HP pool)

ChatY1=875 - Chat Icon Position - top left of the icon

ChatX2=20 - Chat Icon Position - bottom right of the icon

ChatY2=890 - Chat Icon Position - bottom right of the icon

HPX1=908 - HP bar left position (the one above the character's head)

HPY1=325 - HP bar left position (the one above the character's head)

HPX2=1012 - HP bar right position (the one above the character's head)

HPY2=327- HP bar right position (the one above the character's head)