- This project was deprecated, it will be redo, with an better arch and tech
This project pretends to be an replica of Netflix, but instead of streaming videos, movies, it will stream musics clips, discographies. Filtered by genre, artist, and some other things..
The repository contains the API Rest that are NickFlix Back-End, developed in PHP with Laravel.
Because of time, the project its unfinished yet, theres some of these follow things left that i'm still working on.
- JWT authentication
- Improve middlewares
- Create Routes and implementation to account and content management
To install the project, after clone the repo, you must run
composer install
After install the project, you must create an .env file in the root folder, it can be quickly done with cat .env.example > .env
in your UNIX terminal, otherwise, you can mannually copy and paste .env.example as .env
The env file contains environment variables that are used by PHP and Laravel, pay attention to DATABASE keys, fill then with the username and password of your MySQL DB local server.
Now, with your MySQL database local server running, you must run
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
It will create the tables to your database.
To run the project, first we must addopting the project url as api.nickflix:8001, but to reach that URL to our local machine and it be recognized through our serve application, it must be added as Super User/ADM to /etc/hosts
of your S.O (In Windows it must be at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
) the follow line (It can be added to a new last line) api.nickflix
Now with the url visible, you must run
php artisan --host=api.nickflix --port=8001
If everything goes right, try to access (GET Request through Postman) api.nickflix:8001, it must returning the follow JSON:
"message" : "Hello Worldson =]"