Control an LED strip with MIDI messages on an Arduino.
This Arduino sketch takes MIDI messages from the serial port, and maps them to individual LEDs in the strip, so a MIDI ON message effectively turns on an LED, and MIDI OFF fades it out.
There are implementations for 7 lighting modes.
The sketch needs the following:
- A MIDI cable connected to pin RX0 via optoisolator circuit
- A 2-pin button connected to pin 5 and ground (INPUT_PULLDOWN)
- A potentiometer connected to pin A5
- An optional info LED to pin 13
- An LED Strip supported by the FastLED library.
- A piano or anything that generates MIDI data
- Optionally, a PCB that connects all of these components together. A design for it can be found here.
Customizable parameters:
- The LED strip model, color order and number of LEDs can be configured at the top of the file (default is a strip of 74 WS2812B LEDs, color order GRB, suitable for a regular 8-octave digital piano.
- Note fade out duration, sustain pedal strength
- Color HSV values, palettes (right now there are 6 palettes that can be navigated through with the potentiometer)
- New modes can be added fairly easily.
Use the button to toggle between 6 modes:
- Mode 0: Off
- Mode 1: Passive (cycle between different LED animations, e.g. rainbow, trail, sparkles)
- Mode 2: Basic (notes light up with a fixed color - potentiometer changes hue)
- Mode 3: Alternate Basic (same as mode 2, but with less saturated colors)
- Mode 4: Palette (color depends on the note pitch, follows a gradient pattern - potentiometer navigates through 6 palettes)
- Mode 5: Velocity Palette (same as mode 4, but color depends on how hard the key is pressed - 2 palettes)
- Mode 6: Hue Cycle (notes light up with a fixed color that changes over time)
- Mode 7: Reverb (when a note is played, surrounding LEDs light up like a droplet)