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Nicolas Cellier edited this page Aug 14, 2015 · 3 revisions


There are many possibilities available to create a LapackMatrix, because Smallapack is compatible with several other matrix library (Smallpack and Squeak for example).
The reader shall already be aware of available matrix classes Tutorial_MatrixClass.


Creating a matrix initialized with zeroes (like matlab zeros(m,n))

Suppose you want to create a 3 rows by 2 columns matrices of double:

LapackDGEMatrix nrow: 3 ncol: 2.

A synonym compatible with Smallpack protocol is:

LapackDGEMatrix nRows: 3 nCols: 2.

A synonym compatible with Squeak protocol is:

LapackDGEMatrix rows: 3 columns: 2.

Another possibility is to specify the shape with a Point or an Array:

LapackDGEMatrix shape: 3 @ 2.
LapackDGEMatrix shape: #(3 2).

When providing a single integer, the shape will be square:

LapackDGEMatrix shape: 3.

Also, the message #zeros: is synonym of #shape:, and so is #dimensions:.

LapackDGEMatrix zeros: 3 @ 2.

In case of single row or column, just use one keyword:

LapackDGEMatrix nrow: 3.
LapackDGEMatrix ncol: 4.

Creating a matrix filled with a unique value (like matlab value*ones(m,n))

A 3 by 2 complex matrix in single precision:

LapackCGEMatrix nrow: 3 ncol: 2 withAll: 1 - 2 i.

Squeak matrix compatible protocol #rows:columns:element: is also understood.
For the case of filling with 1, a message similar to #shape: is available:

LapackDGEMatrix ones: 3 @ 2.
LapackDGEMatrix ones: #(3 2).
LapackDGEMatrix ones: 3.

Creating an identity matrix (like matlab eye(m,n))

Two synonyms are possible:

LapackCGEMatrix eye: 3.
LapackCGEMatrix identity: 3.

Also non square shapes are possible:

LapackSGEMatrix eye: 2 @ 3.
LapackSGEMatrix identity: #(3 2).

Creating a matrix from existing sequenceable collections

It is possible to construct a matrix from a collection of collections, each representing a row or a column.

LapackDGEMatrix rows: #( (11 12 13) (21 22 23) ).
LapackDGEMatrix columns: #( (11 21 31) (12 22 32) ).

Specifying the diagonal is also possible (the matrix will be square):

LapackDGEMatrix diagonal: #( (11 22 33) ).

If the matrix a a single row or column, it can be specified too:

LapackDGEMatrix row: #(11 12 13).
LapackDGEMatrix column: #(11 21 31).

It is also possible to create a matrix from a collection with raw contents (data concatenated column after column - which is FORTRAN compatible column-major order):

LapackDGEMatrix fromSequence: #(11 21 31 12 22 32) nrow: 3 ncol: 2.

Creating a matrix with a generator block

The block is taking two parameters,the row number and column number:

LapackDGEMatrix rows: 3 columns: 2 tabulate: [:i :j | i*10+j ].

Creating a matrix with a pseudo random number generator

The generator is the one of LAPACK xLARNV and two distributions are available, a normal (mean zero, variance 1) and a uniform (between 0 and 1) distributions. Like #shape:, the messages take a shape parameter:

LapackDGEMatrix randNormal: 3 @ 2.
LapackDGEMatrix randUniform: #(3 2).

It is possible to control the seed of the PRNG with an Array of four integers, but BEWARE the seed array is MODIFIED and will contain the next seed when the message returns.

LapackCGEMatrix randUniform: #(3 2) withSeed: (Array with: 3 with: 5 with: 7 with: 11).

Note that for a complex matrix as above both real and imaginary part are drawn.

Creating a matrix by converting, transforming, extracting another matrix

See Tutorial_MatrixConverting