Charting data about books I've read
I've been tracking my books acquired and read since 2022, so I thought it would be interesting to create some charts using that data.
- TypeScript
- Express
- ChartJS
- Google Sheets
To view this project visit the demo or run it locally. Note this is hosted on a free tier of Render so will take 30 seconds to start up.
To run it locally, you will need to download the files and create a Google Spreadsheet with the following columns:
| Books acquired | Books read | Type | Category
Each sheet should hold data from a different year. The first row will be the headers and the data will start on the second row. If that year you've acquired a book and haven't read it, then the cell for books read should be blank. If that year you've read a book which you acquired in a previous year, then the cell for books acquired should be blank. Type is fiction/non-fiction. Category can be anything you like, up to a maximum of 21 different categories.
You'll then need to use this link and follow the instructions to set up the API for your sheet. Rename .env example to .env and add your API key and sheet ID to it.
Then open a terminal in the folder where you downloaded the files and install locally using npm:
npm install
Run the app locally:
npm run dev
Project is: finished