An interactive web app for indoor location mapping.
current version: 3.0.1
git clone
cd officemap3-react
npm install
npm start
Then open http://localhost:3001 in your browser
- React redux for great performance and maintainability.
- Work well on both desktop and mobile browsers. (optimized for touch control and mobile performance)
- Open source, extendable to your own backend service for more mapped information (i.e. live office meeting room status)
- Allow you to use it internally, without having to publish online for everyone to see.
- Initial configuration is still a bit complicated, still need to build an SVG map, and configure each user's info into the data file. (data file can be served through an API)
- Not designed to handle huge scale floor plan with thousands of locations. (it load one floor at once, not by areas like google map).
- It does use redux. So, cannot use it as a dumb react component anymore.
- Fix redux router (using custom hack right now)
- Fix localstorage usage (don't want to store everything)
Complete airbnb code style change.=> done
- viewport matrix Transformation matrix representing original image size v.s. viewport scale.
- transform matrix Transformation matrix for pan, zoom total image in image viewer.
- final matrix viewportMatrix * transformMatrix. Used for converting SVG point into client/page point.