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From June 11 2012 from Kei Kim([email protected])

Added a sample page users can directly view on the net

Check following pages to see ddpanorama in action: (NEW) (NEW)

<Version history>
1.43 : Fixed a bug firing ddredraw event first when minSpeed exists(!=0)
1.42 : Fixed scrollX to be always within (-width*0.5, width*0.5) for the looped
       image, so that users can more conveniently draw stuffs using this 
       ex1) width:100, scrollX:90 -> -10
       ex2) width:100, scrollX:-60 -> 40

       Now ddpanorama uses imagesLoaded script to catch the image load event. 
       As the load event has some drawbacks(, 
       I decided to adapt other method. eg. Prior to this version, applying 
       ddpanorama after the image is fully loaded was not working well, but it 
       now just works

       Added html element overlay example. Now you can see other elements 
       positioned over canvas element. Other way of implementation might be 
       drawing some texts on canvas and checking if the user clicks one of those 
       texts’ bounding rectangles, but it would be definitely cumbersome/hard to 
       predict the final result. 
       Instead, I positioned already existing handy HTML elements on top of 
       canvas, so that users can see/control the result beforehand.
1.41 : Delayed resizing/attachment after the panorama image is completely 
1.40 : Now CSS is separated from codes. Note that to work as
       before, you need to include "ddpanorama.css" as a stylesheet in your 

       Event prefix is changed from "ddpanorama_" to "dd". 
       eg. ddpanorama_redraw -> ddredraw

       "init" event is added which is called when the canvas is initialized 
       - a good place to retrieve canvas and apply any additional properties 
       to it

       In case the interactive flag is turned off, the panning cursor didn't 
       showup in Webkit browsers(up to 1.31). This is fixed in the current 

       Event demo(sample.event.html) code is rewritten. Now you can check 
       all the event life cycles
       ("startmove", "stopmove", "mousedown", "mouseup" events are added)

       Fullscreen demo(sample.dynamicsize.html) code is refactored to show the 
       demonstration clearly.
       Note that the ugly bottom scroll bar is gone by CSS's blessing

       Redraw event demo(sample.eventredraw.html) shows how to draw something on 
       top of the panorama

       Refactored codes to support changing "defaults" which decides panoramas' 
       default parameters

1.31 : Size change is also supported
1.30 : Support changing panorama parameters after it is created
1.24 : Fixed a scroll variable becoming NaN issue when load event is fired later
1.23 : Added startPos parameter. You can specify relative value
       to (imageWidth-canvasWidth). So you specify 1.0, you get
       the 100% scrolled image
1.22 : Changed parameter names to reduce ambiguity
           loopBounce -> bounce
           loopBorderRate -> bounceEdge
           loopBorderColor -> bounceEdgeColor
       Refactored sample htmls. Made them being generated from parameters.
1.21 : Added {loop:false} option to support not-wrapped image with a nice 
       bounce effect
       (due to a user request: thanks baloneysandwiches) 
       Split sample html pages into multiple files to show what it is clearly 
       in details
1.12 : Added autoscroll feature(minSpeed parameter)
       Added interactive flag(interactive parameter)
       Fixed image to canvas converting method. Now use $.after to properly handle 
       canvas insertion
1.11 : Fixed scroll popping bug
1.10 : Fixed event handling bug(mis typo?)
       Support resized canvas drawing when height is specified
       Fills the black color when canvas image is not loaded yet
       Added .loaded parameter to event, users can draw something until the 
       panorama image is fully loaded
1.01 : Added event handling support
1.00 : Started ddpanorama

<Q & A>

Q. Why do you re-create already existing jQuery panorama plugin?

Yeah, it's another jQuery panorama plugin!

But the implementation details are quite different. 

As the repo name implies, it internally changes image into html5 canvas.
Users can drag and view 360 degree panorama through the canvas.

Q. Why canvas? Aren't image with css and javascript sufficient?

Probably correct. I chose html5 canvas for two reasons:

1. If we draw things on canvas, we can do pretty cool stuffs with it like applying cool effects on it.

2. Drawing things on html5 canvas is fast enough on today's mobile device.

(I want this plugin get spread :D So I added the last but not least important notes)

*. It scrolls smoothly(maybe smoother than others)
*. It scrolls like iOS scrollview

Q. So what's the jQuery plugin name? jQuery-html5-canvas-panorama?

No, that's too long. Because it's jQuery plugin, it should start with "j".

But I prefer "dd", which means "dance dance". So the name is "ddpanorama"
Strange enough, but this is named after an amateur photograph's blog I love
I want to support that photos being displayed on the web
I'll create a series of tools and plugins to support Let's dance! :D

Q. What is Is it part of the plugin?

No, absolutely not. It's a prerequisite jQuery plugin which handles outside events ex) outside mouse release event

It's a simple and works good. The author's page is here(

Maybe later it can be included in jQuery itself! Check the new version if you have a time.

I included "" file in the repository which works currently with ddpanorama.


A tiny jQuery plugin that helps displaying panorama images






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