Bug Fixes
Set CustomerId type to String
Make date formatting thread safe
Use referential equality for enum comparison
Cancel start job in case of re-configuration
Update Chat to separate prepare and connect actions
Update Agent.isTyping only when agent isTyping value has changed
Remove messages with duplicate id from thread
Sockets created by SDK can be tagged for TrafficStats
Delay SharedPreferences initialization
Disable sending empty messages
Return error when receiving "invalid" server response on image upload
BREAKING CHANGE if uploaded filename has no extension, get one using MimeTypeMap
Dependency Change
Update Kotlin 1.8.21 -> 1.9.21
Bump com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp from 4.11.0 to 4.12.0
Bump androidx.core:core-ktx from 1.10.1 to 1.12.0
Add ProxyLogger constructor with vararg param
Improve Java compatibility
Raise project compileSdk 33 -> 34
Improve logging of outgoing events
Pass server reported errors to integration
Process events on background thread
Allow to change users name
Message is updated when read by agent
Add seenAt and inferred state to message metadata
Add logger-android module
Extract logging library module
Add option to specify Logger for the SDK
Correct welcome message handling
Implement CaseStatusChanged event
You can’t perform that action at this time.