- moviesId
- name
- score
- posterUri
- vote
- _id
- createdAt
- updatedAt
Movies !!! Object example : https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/337167?api_key=7345489e9522a18a9b84bbc90f4d7758&language=en
- adult
- backdrop_path
- belongs_to_collection
- id
- name
- poster_path
- backdrop_path
- budget
- genres
- id
- name
- homepage
- id
- imdb_id
- original_language
- original_title
- overview
- popularity
- poster_path
- production_companies
- id
- logo_path
- name
- origin_country
- production_countries
- iso_3166_1
- name
- release_date
- revenue
- runtime
- spoken_languages
- status
- tagline
- title
- video
- vote_average
- vote_count
- GET -> /api/movies/:movieId = get movie infomation by movieId
- GET -> /api/movies?content = get all moviesId by req.query.content(is movieName and actorName)
- GET -> /api/movies/:id/homepage = get URI of ONE movie
- Example: {"homepage": "https://www.google.com/search?query=Fifty+Shades+Freed"}
- Example: {"homepage": "http://www.fiftyshadesmovie.com"}
POST -> /api/lists = creat a list
- Example 1: req.body = {"moviesId": [1,2,3,4,5,6], "name": "List của Dũng"}
- Example 2: req.body = {"moviesId": [1,2,3], "name": "List của Dũng"}
- Lưu ý: request phải ở dạng JSON
GET -> /api/lists/count = get number of lists in database
GET -> /api/lists?page = get infomation of 10 lists (after skip [10 * (page-1)] lists)
GET -> /api/lists/top10 = get infomation 10 lists with priority is score
GET -> /api/lists/:id = get infomation of 1 list
PUT -> /api/lists/:id/ = increase score of req.params.id by req.body.score
/api/lists !!! Object example is in ObjectExample1
- moviesId
- name
- score
- vote
- posterUri
- _id
/api/movies !!! Object example is in ObjectExample2
- genres
- id
- name
- homepage
- id
- overview
- posterUri
- release_date
- title
- vote_average
- actor
- character
- name
- profileUri
- genres
Get movie infomation by movieId (lack actors) = https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/337167?api_key=7345489e9522a18a9b84bbc90f4d7758
Get movie credits by movieId = https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/337167/credits?api_key=7345489e9522a18a9b84bbc90f4d7758
Render poster image by posterUrl = https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/jjPJ4s3DWZZvI4vw8Xfi4Vqa1Q8.jpg
Get actorId by actorName = https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/person?api_key=7345489e9522a18a9b84bbc90f4d7758&query=leonardo+dicaprio
Get all movies with actorId = http://api.themoviedb.org/3/discover/movie?api_key=7345489e9522a18a9b84bbc90f4d7758&with_cast=500
Get movieId by movieName = http://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/movie?api_key=7345489e9522a18a9b84bbc90f4d7758&query=Fifty+Shade