An Angular app that uses the DonutAPI to show and teach about building Jamstack apps in with Angular.
If you launch your Scully app in the browser, you will notice that it is still making calls to the DonutAPI after the Scully build has happened. Wouldn't it be cool if we could cache the calls to the API so that in production these calls would be immediately available and deployed to the CDN. This means that the user wouldn't need to travel clear back to our server to get that data again, as it would be deployed with the HTML, CSS and JS out on the CDN.
To do this, we will use Scully's TransferStateService
Let's get started.
In your donuts.component.ts
, you should inject the TransferStateService
constructor(private tss: TranferStateService){...}
Once you done this, you can use the tss
service to fetch data from the server BEFORE we build
with Scully, but use cached versions of the same data AFTER we build with Scully. To do this, it is
very easy. We are going to use the tss.useScullyTransferState()
method. This method signature looks
function useScullyTransferState<T>(key: string, dataSource: Observable<T>) Observable<T> {}
This means that when you call it you will pass it two parameters. The first is a name for the key in the cache. The second is an observable that will return the data from the server when your in dev mode.
In donuts.component.ts
modify the code in the constructor to look like the following:
let donuts$ = this.transferState.useScullyTransferState(
donuts$.subscribe(res => {
this.donuts = res;
And it's that simple. You simply pass it the name of the key you want to use in the transfer state cache, as well as dataSrc observable that will return the correct data during dev and scully mode.
Update the constructor in your donut.component.ts
to look like this:
private route: ActivatedRoute,
private http: HttpClient,
private transferState: TransferStateService,
) {
let donut$ = transferState.useScullyTransferState(
switchMap(id => this.http.get<any>(`${environment.API.BASE_URL}/donuts/${id}`)),
donut$.subscribe(res => {
this.donut = res;
At this point, you run an Angular build, then a Scully build, then a Scully serve and you can see that your app no longer is making requests to the server for data once it's pre-rendered. This is like Angular on steriods!!!
To move on, stash your changes and checkout the step4
git stash //hides your changes you just made
git checkout step4