The goal of nytimes
is to integrate all of the New York Times API with R.
- Archive
- Article Search
- Books
- Geo
- Most Popular
- Movie Reviews
- Semantic
- Times Tags
- Times Wire
- Top Stories
First, create an account to obtain an API key. Then either specify the aforementioned key using nytimes_key
or specify it as environment variable (likely in your .Renviron
The archive API.
# get all articles from January first 2018
archive <- ny_archive(2018, 1)
#> ℹ 6903 results returned
The article search API.
# get all articles on Obama that have been published in the last 3 days, get three pages of results
obama <- ny_search("Obama", since = Sys.Date() - 3, pages = 3)
#> ℹ 49 results available
downloading [=======================================] 100%
The books API
# get data on a random book
books <- ny_book_names()
#> ℹ 55 results returned
list <- ny_book_list(sample(books$list_name_encoded, 1))
#> ℹ 10 results returned
The most popular API
# get most viewed articles in the last 7 days
viewed <- ny_popular_viewed(7)
#> ℹ 1716 results returned
The movie review API
# get 2 pages of movie reviews on war
reviews <- ny_movie_search("war", pages = 2)
#> ⚠ More results available
The semantic API
# get 2 pages of movie reviews on war
concepts <- ny_semantic_search("war")
#> ℹ 500 results available
#> ⚠ More results available
Times tags API
ny_tags("Trump", max = 6)
#> [1] "Trump, Donald J (Per)" "Trump Organization (Org)"
#> [3] "Trump, Ivanka (Per)" "Trump, Melania (Per)"
#> [5] "Trump, Donald J Jr (Per)" "Wallace, George C (Per)"
Top stories API
business <- ny_stories("business")
Times wire API
sections <- ny_wire_section_list()
wires <- ny_wire_source(sample(sections$section, 1))
#> ℹ 3298 results available