This project provides the template for the specialisation in frontend technologies at refugees{code}.
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.7.3.
Make sure you have a working installation of NodeJs 8.x. After cloning this project via git, you have to download the dependencies by running:
npm install
That's it. You should see that there is a new subdirectory called "node_modules".
We have two groups of problemsets. The first one is about JavaScript only and the second is covers HTML and CSS.
You can find them in src/app/app-pset-javascript/
. Each problemset has already some unit tests that verify that they work as specified. The unit tests are the files ending with *.spec.ts
You can execute the unit tests by running: npm run test
After a while a browser window should open, telling you that all except 1 unit tests have failed. Your task is to implement the required code, so that all tests turn green.
The problems sets for this group is stored in src/app/app-pset-htmlandcss
. It is your task to create an html page, that looks exactly like the image files in directory baseline
To execute the tests for this problemset, run: npm run e2e