This file has all the processing steps required for preparing our data to run the light field reconstruction as well as ORBSLAM and DynaSLAM algorithms for comparison
The calibration data is colleted before each data collection run using the 9 x 16 checkerboard pattern with each square 0.81 m The data is usually saved as images under cam0,cam1, cam2,cam3,cam4 folders.
- convert calibration images to rosbag
git clone
cd software/rosbag_toolkit/image2bag
python -i /media/auv/neufrl_usb_0/calibration -c config/config.yaml
- Run kalibr : Make sure you have built and installed kalibr package
git clone
git checkout mpl_fix
cd kalibr_ws
source devel/setup.bash
kalibr_calibrate_cameras --target checkerboard.yaml --bag /home/auv/data/isec_2020_july/calib2/rosbag.bag --models pinhole-radtan pinhole-radtan pinhole-radtan pinhole-radtan pinhole-radtan --topics / camera_array/cam0/image_raw /camera_array/cam1/image_raw /camera_array/cam2/image_raw /camera_array/cam3/image_raw /camera_array/cam4/image_raw
We can generate semantic segmnatation masks before hand for fast processing. Generation of masks can be donde using deeplab, maskRCNN or bodypix.
- deeplab :
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/auv/software/segmentation/:/home/auv/software/segmentation/slim:/home/auv/ros_ws/src/light-fields-ros/src/python/
python -i /media/auv/neufrl_usb_0/2020-07-15-20-14-52.bag -m /home/auv/software/segmentation/deeplab_model.tar.gz -o /media/auv/neufrl_usb_0/segmasks/
- maskRCNN: Run segmentation is using masRCNN from dynaslam code. At one point we have to move it to our repo
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=${ROS_PACKAGE_PATH}:/home/auv/software/DynaSLAM/Examples/ROS
rosrun ORB_SLAM2 Mono </media/auv/neufrl_usb_0/15_07_2020_isec_indoor/bag1/segmasks/cam0> , also can give just the path until segmasks to do segmentation on all the image frames.
- Bodypix :
python -i /media/auv/neufrl_usb_0/2020-07-15-20-14-52.bag -o /media/auv/neufrl_usb_0/segmasks/
run stereo reconstruction on the reference camera and the next camera to compute depth maps required by dynaslam to resemble RGB-D camera. This generates the rgb and depth images.
- stereo reconstruction: Run stereo_app from the dense reconstruction package with following params
rosrun stereo_app
--left_topic /camera_array/cam0/image_raw
--right_topic /camera_array/cam1/image_raw
--calib_file /home/auv/ros_ws/src/stereo_dense_reconstruction/calibration/15_07_2020_isec_indoor.yml
--calib_width 720
--calib_height 540
--output_dir /media/auv/neufrl_usb_0/15_07_2020_isec_indoor/bag2
### ORBSLAM and DYNASLAM params
* generate rgb.txt and associations.txt using light-fields/scripts/
* rosrun ORB_SLAM2 Mono Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt /root/isec_dynaslam.yaml
### compute LF reconstruction
run app and generate refocused image and BG depth.