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Releases: neuecc/Utf8Json

Ver 1.3.7

30 Jan 02:53
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  • support base class private member deserialize on AllowPrivate resolver #43

Unity Package only

  • Fix does not work AllowPrivate on Unity(not AOT env).

Ver 1.3.6

22 Jan 11:57
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Fix: throws exception when deserialize large string
Fix: generate invalid length copy when ExcludeNull
Improvement: Exception serialization can configure excludeNull and nameMutate and serialize public members


NuGet version only, serializing exception always extract data from concrete type.

Ver 1.3.5

19 Jan 14:57
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  • Fix: throws exception when deserialize large string when does not exist escape character
  • Improvement: Add Exception and exception inherited types serilalization support

Ver 1.3.4

12 Dec 14:23
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  • Fix: throws exception when deserialize large string and exists escape character
  • Improvement: Add support for open generic IJsonFormatAttribute formatterType


17 Nov 10:23
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  • Improvement: Support EnumMemberAttribute.

Ver 1.3.2

17 Nov 09:39
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  • Improvement: threadsafe for mono environment when creating dynamic serializer
  • Improvement: Enum serialize/deserialize supports DataMember(Name) attribtue (note: this is breaking changes)

Ver 1.3.1

23 Oct 01:06
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  • Fix: StandardResolver.AllowPrivateExcludeNull does not work #28

2017.11.16 Fix Utf8Json.UniversalCodeGenerator(allows DataMember attribute)

Ver 1.3.0

22 Oct 11:21
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  • Add: JsonReader.ReadNextBlockSegment
  • Add: CompositeResolver.Create(DynamicCompositeResolver)
  • Add: ExpandoObject serialization support
  • Add: IEnumerable<T> support at nongeneric serialize
  • Add: JsonSerializer.PrettyPrint, JsonSerializer.PrettyPrintByteArray
  • Add: IJsonFormatter.ToJsonString extension method
  • Add: JsonWriter/Reader.Serialize/Deserialize(ref JsonReader/Writer) overload
  • Add: JsonSerialzier.SerializeAsync, DeserializeAsync
  • Improve: support single line comment, multi line comment
  • improve: skip bom header when json reading
  • Breaking Changes: AutomataDictionary.Add(string) uses JsonWriter.GetEncodedPropertyNameWithoutQuotation

Ver 1.2.3

13 Oct 17:42
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  • Support for ShouldSerialize feature of Json.NET, XmlSerializer
  • Fix invalid .unitypackage of 1.2.2

Ver 1.2.2

13 Oct 02:43
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  • Fix DateTime, DateTimeOffset, TimeSpan deserialize when type is in object member
  • Improve Lazy deserialize performance
  • Improve handle set-only property versioning correctly