Download the latest version from the release page and install it with pip (requires Python >= 3.10):
python3 -m pip install {version}.whl
First, create an empty phase command script by running:
generate-mutants --init
Replace {instructor-solution} and {hw-name} to specify the file to seed mutants in and the file to record the generated mutants in.
Then, edit the generated script "" to include the commands
needed for each phase. The assignment_template
directory an example
of what this could look like for a racket assignment.
Next, generate the mutants with:
generate-mutants {instructor-solution}.rkt {hw-name}-mutants.yml
And finally run the mutants with:
run-mutants --run_tests_in_one_batch {hw-name}-mutants.yml
Requires python3.10 (with virtual environments) and editorconfig.
After installing python3.10, create a virtual environment and install dependencies:
python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install pip-tools
pip-sync requirements-dev.txt
To run pycodestyle, isort, and pyright:
AST node classes can be found at the beginning of racket_ast/, and visitor classes
are in racket_ast/ An example use of the visitor class can be found in
The main
function file reads a file from stdin or the command line, parses the AST (by calling
), and invokes a ToStrVisitor
on the AST, which prints
the AST back out to stdout (discarding comments and replacing tabs with a single space, but
otherwise preserving the source code structure).