This component is used to display various types of graphs.
🔹 Custom range on Histogram
🔹 Events
🔹 Handler Methods
🔹 Methods
🔹 Evolution Chart
🔹 Area-Line Chart
🔹 Line Chart JS
🔹 Input and Output Chart
When it is necessary to customize the range of the Y axis
You must configure on WChartSeries, folder Properties (new):
- showLastTickOnDataOverflow: the maximum value of the data as the last interval displayed on the Y axis, if you use showLastTickOnDataOverflow with true.
- minValueAxisY: the lower value you want to display on the Y axis
- maxValueAxisY: the maximum value you want to display on Y axis
- yTickInterval: the range value you want to display, example, if you set 30 in this property, it will display values between the minimum e maximum, if you use minValueAxisY as 0, maxValueAxisY as 90, in this example it will display label on Y axis to values 30 and 60. Also the values of minimum (0) and maximum (90) of this example.
This event is fired when the component is load. It passes nothing as parameters.
This event is fired when there's a click on the data point of the current chart, the data point can be a point, a bar, a pie piece or others. The parameters that this event passes are the following:
name, attribute_y, value_y, attribute_x, value_x
This event is fired before the user click two times on the TableChart's line
schematic: (Object) Schematic handler object
handler: (Object) Component handler
event: (Object) Event is a object build to framework. And each chart have specific values.
import { Controller, Inject } from '@philips/odin-ext';
import { WChart } from 'odin-utils/controllers';
@Controller({ domain: 'pfcs/PfcsPA', code: 11111 })
export default class ChartTest extends WChart {
onDoubleClick(schematics, handler, event) {
const conf = {
type: this.DialogBoxType.CONFIRM,
message: 22222, // Would you like to render the chart?
defaultShow: 'BOTH',
cancelButtonCode: 33333, // Cancel
okButtonCode: 44444 // Ok
this.tasyWdialogbox(conf).then(() => {
If you would like some specific value brought by the sql registered in the sql field of wchart record or the wchart serie's code. You can get it as follows:
import { Controller, Inject } from '@philips/odin-ext';
import { WChart } from 'odin-utils/controllers';
@Controller({ domain: 'pfcs/PfcsPA', code: 11111 })
export default class ChartTest extends WChart {
onDoubleClick(schematics, handler, event) {
let params;
* event.cdSerie = NR_SEQUENCIA from DIC_OBJETO (folder "HTML5 - Series"
* inside the folder "WChartSeries" on the Feature "Object Dictionary").
* Usualy each serie is a specific chart color/area.
switch (event.cdSerie) {
case 22222: // Area with color "GREEN" on the chart.
params = {
type: 555, // nrSeqText = Good
case 33333: // Area with color "YELLOW" on the chart.
params = {
type: 666, // nrSeqText = Intermediate
case 44444: // Area with color "RED" on the chart.
params = {
type: 777, // nrSeqText = Bad
* event.record = Is one sql registered that return from sql executation
* from DIC_OBJETO.DS_SQL (folder "WChartSeries" on the Feature "Object
* Dictionary").
if (params && event.record) {
params.expirationDateIni = event.record.DT_INI;
params.expirationDateFin = event.record.DT_FIN;
this.externalAccessManager.doOpenExternal(403, 'externalAccess', params);
} else {
const conf = {
type: this.DialogBoxType.ABORT,
message: 88888, // The Details function could not be opened.
defaultShow: 'OK'
This will bring up the select's record and serie code corresponding to the chart area that the user are double-clicking. Below are charts that send each of the mentioned values:
* Stacked-bar: cdSerie and record;
* Pie (português: Grágico de Pizza): record;
* Doughnut: record;
* Gauge: cdSerie and record;
This event is fired after the component if fully activated, with it's series loaded. It passes nothing as parameters.
This event is fired after the filter of the component is ready. It passes nothing as parameter.
This event is fired before the action of filtering the component data happen. It passes nothing as parameter.
This event is fired when a legend item is clicked. It passes along the following parameters:
legendKey, serieValues
This event is fired before the user touch on the TableChart's bar.
schematic: (Object) Schematic handler object
handler: (Object) Component handler
event: (Object) Event is a object build to framework. And each chart have specific values.
import { Controller, Inject } from '@philips/odin-ext';
import { WChart } from 'odin-utils/controllers';
@Controller({ domain: 'nicu/NicuST', code: 11111 })
export default class StackedBarChartTest extends WChart {
onTouchStart(schematics, handler, event) {
const conf = {
type: this.DialogBoxType.CONFIRM,
message: 22222, // Would you like to render the chart?
defaultShow: 'BOTH',
cancelButtonCode: 33333, // Cancel
okButtonCode: 44444 // Ok
this.tasyWdialogbox(conf).then(() => {
- showDonutCenterText
- hideDonutCenterText
- renderChart
setYAxisMaxValue- getYAxisMaxValue
setYAxisMinValue- getYAxisMinValue
- activate
- addSerie
- addAllSeries
- addSerieToDontShowMarker
- removeSerieFromDontShowMarker
- setSortFunction
- addValueToSerie
- changeSerieVisibility
- changeSerieType
- changeTypeChart
- getSeries
- removeSerieByName
- toggleZoom
- activeLoading
- setZoomRange
- setAxisY2Values
- setCode
- saveChartAs
- setTooltipStyle
- setVisibleHeader
- setClamp
- setPadding
- setDataLabelDisplayFunc
- setHandlebarVisible
- setTooltipFunction
- setSliderVisibility
- isChartEmpty
- setSliderVisibility
- isChartEmpty
- setLegendsSliderVisible
- useRoundScale
- saveChartAsPdf
- mockActivate
- setShowAverageLine
- getShowAverageLine
- addLabelLastValue
- setRangeAxes
- setAxisValues
- setAxisInterval
Use it to show the donut chart center text. By default the text is shown.
forceUpdate: (boolean) if true, the chart will be immediately updated. When used inside onLoad event, for example, it will already be built using this configuration, so it isn't necessary to pass the forceUpdate flag. If you need to update the chart in another context, you can do it through the method renderChart.
Not available.
import { Controller } from '@philips/odin-ext';
import PFCSChartBase from '../../../commons/controllersBase/PFCSChartBase';
import { PA_TOTAL_PATIENTS } from '../../../commons/EnumPfcsDetails';
@Controller({ domain: 'pfcs/PfcsPA', code: 1139481 })
export default class TotalPatientsWC extends PFCSChartBase {
onLoad() {
// You dont need to pass the flag forceUpdate here. Check docs.
Use it to hide the donut chart center text.
forceUpdate: (boolean) if true, the chart will be immediately updated. When used inside onLoad event, for example, it will already be built using this configuration, so it isn't necessary to pass the forceUpdate flag. If you need to update the chart in another context, you can do it through the method renderChart.
Not available.
import { Controller } from '@philips/odin-ext';
import PFCSChartBase from '../../../commons/controllersBase/PFCSChartBase';
import { PA_TOTAL_PATIENTS } from '../../../commons/EnumPfcsDetails';
@Controller({ domain: 'pfcs/PfcsPA', code: 1139481 })
export default class TotalPatientsWC extends PFCSChartBase {
onLoad() {
if (this.canShowDonutText) {
} else {
Reinitializes the chart with new data according to its type.
: An ObjectArray. Is used to pass the activation params of the chart. Must contain at the least two keys, SEQUENCIA & PARAMBYNAME.
: (string) Is passed for initializing a specific type of chart.
Not available.
component.attr('w-onload', 'onloadcustomchart($handler)');
scope.onloadcustomchart = $handler => {
schematics.setFunctionVariables(!isTab ? div : tab, $handler);
$handler.setParams('param', this.eisAteDrService.getdsSqlGraph());
Makes the chart to render accordingly to its type.
isResizeListener: (boolean) only used for donut charts. If false, it will recreate the chart using the current set configurations.
Not available.
import { Controller } from '@philips/odin-ext';
import PFCSChartBase from '../../../commons/controllersBase/PFCSChartBase';
import { PA_TOTAL_PATIENTS } from '../../../commons/EnumPfcsDetails';
@Controller({ domain: 'pfcs/PfcsPA', code: 1139481 })
export default class TotalPatientsWC extends PFCSChartBase {
onLoad() {
if (this.aReasonToForceChartReRender) {
(This method is currently unused)
You can use this method - setRangeAxes
Get the maximum value of the y axis in a chart
Not available.
yAxisMaxValue: (number) the maximum value setted in the y axis in the chart
@Controller({ domain: 'atepac/AtePacAA', code: 123456 })
export default class MyChart extends WChart {
onLoad() {
const maxValue = this.handler.getYAxisMaxValue();
(This method is currently unused)
You can use this method - setRangeAxes
Get the minimum value of the y axis in a chart
Not available.
yAxisMaxValue: (number) the minimum value setted in the y axis in the chart
@Controller({ domain: 'atepac/AtePacAA', code: 123456 })
export default class MyChart extends WChart {
onLoad() {
const minValue = this.handler.getYAxisMinValue(0);
This method is used to activate the chart. It can be used along with three parameters:
An ObjectArray. Is used to pass the activation params of the chart. Must contain at the least two keys, SEQUENCIA
. This parameter is mandatory.
An Object. Is used to pass the chart size, must contain two keys, height
and width
. For the values can be the fixed size using the unit pixels (px) or a variable size using percent (%)
An Object. Is used to pass filter values when activating the chart.
let chartParams = [
SEQUENCIA: 329457,
ie_agrupamento: '2',
dt_mesano_inicial: '01/05/2014',
dt_mesano_final: '01/05/2016',
cd_estabelecimento: 1,
cd_estrutura: '40'
let chartSize = {
width: '400px';
height: '400px';
chartHandler.activate(chartParams, chartSize);
This method adds a new series to the chart.
A String. This will be the ID of the series.
A String. This will be used as a label for the series legend.
A String. The color of the series. If it is null or undefined, it will use a generated color from the color palette.
An Array. This will be used as the column Y values.
An Array. This will be used as the X's values for the Y column. If null or undefined, the default X column will be used.
A String. This parameter can be null or undefined. If it's not specified, it will use the same chart type that is saved on the wChart dictionary object.
The mask used to format dates.
If the component should sort the axis X column.
Used together with the sort parameter, it specify the order of the sort. If true, will sort the axis in an ascending way, of false, in a descent way.
const Y = [50, 100, 200];
const X = ['Cars', 'Motorcycles', 'Trains'];
handler.addSerie('TRANSPORTATIONS', 'People vs. Transportations', '#C3C3C3', Y, X);
const Y2 = [10, 20, 30];
handler.addSerie('ANIMALS', 'Animals who ride transports', undefined, Y2);
const Y3 = [50, 500, 700];
handler.addSerie('BBIRDS', 'Birds', undefined, Y3, undefined, 'line');
This method is used to add a serie to don't show the marker.
A String. This will be the ID of the series.
This method is used to remove a serie from the don't show the marker
A String. This will be the ID of the series.
Method used to specify a sort function to the axis x column. See also the documentation to the native sort method
The sort function.
const sortfn = (a, b) => {
if (something) return 1;
if (somethingElse) return -1;
return 0;
This method is used to add a new value to a existent series.
A String. This will be the ID of the series.
A String or a Number. This will be the X value where the value will be inserted.
A String or a Number. This will be the Y value where the value will be inserted.
A Number. If the X value informed doesn't exist, and this is parameter isn't null or undefined, it will put the X value at the given position. If this is null or undefined, the X value will be inserted at the begin of the chart X column.
handler.addValueToSerie('TRANSPORTATIONS', 'Airplanes', 700, 3);
This method is used to hide or show a series within a chart.
A String. This will be the ID of the series.
A boolean. This will be used to determinate if the series will be showed or hidden.
handler.changeSerieVisibility('TRANSPORTATIONS', false);
This method is used to change the type of a specific series. It is important to keep in mind that the new type must be compatible with current chart X's and Y's columns.
A String. This will be the ID of the series.
A String. The new type of the series, it can be one of the following: line, spline, step, area, area-spline, area-step, bar, scatter, pie, donut, gauge.
handler.changeSerieType('TRANSPORTATIONS', 'spline');
This method is used to change the type of all series in a chart.
A String. The new type of the series, it can be one of the following: line, spline, step, area, area-spline, area-step, bar, scatter, pie, donut, gauge.
This method is used to get the series list currently in th chart, with the X and Y values.
Each of the series returned will contains the following properties: id
and values
A String that state the ID of the series.
An Array of objects. Each object contains the value for a position on the series.
const series = handler.getSeries();
series.forEach(serie => {
//do something
This method is used to remove series by it's name.
This parameter can be a single string or an array of strings.
handler.removeSerieByName('TRANSPORTATIONS', 'INDUSTRIES');
This method is used to enable or disable the zoom feature of charts.
When its necessary a request to the banckend to bring new data for chart, use keepLoading.
function onAfterActivate(schematics, chart, event) {
executeRequest().then((data) =>{
// set values chart
This method is used to zoom in/out the chart.
This parameter indicates the start of the zoom range.
This parameter indicates the end of the zoom range.
handler.setZoomRange(0, 10);
This method is used to set the values used by the y2 axis. If this method is used, the default c3 generated values for the axis will be overridden by the ones passed as parameters.
An array indicating the values to be used as axis y2.
A boolean that defaults to false, indicating if the values passed should be concatenated by previously passed ones.
handler.setAxisY2Values([10, 20, 30, 40, 50]);
handler.setAxisY2Values([60, 70, 80, 90, 100], true);
This method is used to change the component code that will be used in it's activation process.
A integer that indicates the new component code.
A boolean indicating if the component should reactivate after setting the new code. Defaults to false.
//something else
handler.setCode(99999, true);
This method is used to download and save the full chart image to the user computer.
A string that indicates the filename, if undefined, the chart id will be used instead.
const filename = 'my-cool-chart';
This method is used to download and save the full chart pdf to the user computer.
filename: (String) The filename, if undefined, the chart id will be used instead.
Not available.
@Controller({ domain: 'corEis/EisAteDR', code: 1196314, parent: 1173208 })
export default class ExportarPDFWJMI extends WPUMC {
async action(schematics) {
const code = `.tab-${schematics.getFunctionVariables().TAB_SEQ}`;
const wchart = schematics.getFunctionVariable(`${code}`);
This method is used to activate the chart by mocking the data of the chart which will be received by the server. It can be used along with one mandatory parameter and three optional parameters:
An object similar to that which is being received from the server a similar object is required to pass it so the function can depict the same functionality as the activate method.
An ObjectArray. Is used to pass the activation params of the chart. Must contain at the least two keys, SEQUENCIA
. This parameter is mandatory.
An Object. Is used to pass the chart size, must contain two keys, height
and width
. For the values can be the fixed size using the unit pixels (px) or a variable size using percent (%)
An Object. Is used to pass filter values when activating the chart.
const mockData = {
series: [
cdChart: 123456,
uniqueKey: 123456,
incProportional: false,
fieldLegend: "Issues",
fieldX: "Day",
fieldY: "Issues",
masksX: "date(timestamp)",
dsSerie: "Sprint 1 issues",
serieType: "bar",
typeColumnX: "DATE",
typeColumnY: "NUMBER",
rotate: false,
values: [
valueAxisX: new Date("2022-03-14T10:00:00Z"),
valueAxisY: "5",
dsLegend: "2022-03-14 10:00:00",
markVisible: true,
prediction: false
valueAxisX: new Date("2022-03-15T10:00:00Z"),
valueAxisY: "22",
dsLegend: "2022-03-15 10:00:00",
markVisible: true,
prediction: false
valueAxisX: new Date("2022-03-16T10:00:00Z"),
valueAxisY: "10",
dsLegend: "2022-03-16 10:00:00",
markVisible: true,
prediction: false
properties: {},
ieCantShowMarker: "N",
gantt: false,
showGnattMarks: false,
nrSeqApres: 1,
visible: true
cdChart: 123457,
uniqueKey: 123457,
incProportional: false,
fieldLegend: "Issues",
fieldX: "Day",
fieldY: "Issues",
masksX: "date(timestamp)",
dsSerie: "Sprint 2 issues",
serieType: "bar",
typeColumnX: "DATE",
typeColumnY: "NUMBER",
rotate: false,
values: [
valueAxisX: new Date("2022-03-14T10:00:00Z"),
valueAxisY: "8",
dsLegend: "2022-03-14 10:00:00",
markVisible: true,
prediction: false
valueAxisX: new Date("2022-03-15T10:00:00Z"),
valueAxisY: "11",
dsLegend: "2022-03-15 10:00:00",
markVisible: true,
prediction: false
valueAxisX: new Date("2022-03-16T10:00:00Z"),
valueAxisY: "15",
dsLegend: "2022-03-16 10:00:00",
markVisible: true,
prediction: false
properties: {},
ieCantShowMarker: "N",
gantt: false,
showGnattMarks: false,
nrSeqApres: 1,
visible: true
chartProperties: {
stringType: "B",
type: "bar",
title: "Daily issues resolved",
propertiesNew: {}
This method sets the style in which the value should be displayed in the tooltip.
One of the items of the wChartTooltipConstants
Consider two charts with the following series:
Chart A: { ySeries: [1, 3] }
Chart B: { ySeries: [1, 3] and [3, 2] }
The table bellow shows how the tooltip format will be for each of the charts, when hovering over the second item of the first serie.
Style | Chart A (value: 3) | Chart B (values: 3, 2) |
wChartTooltipConstants.REAL |
3 | 3 |
wChartTooltipConstants.PERCENT |
100% | 100% |
wChartTooltipConstants.PERCENT_OF_ALL_SERIES |
100% | 60% |
wChartTooltipConstants.PERCENT_REAL |
100% of 3 | 100% of 3 |
wChartTooltipConstants.PERCENT_REAL_OF_ALL_SERIES |
100% of 3 | 60% of 5 |
Do the reversal of the axes, has no parameters.
Configure chart legend visibility.
Params | Type | Description |
axis | String | The axis: x or y |
show | Boolean | Show or hide axis |
handler.setAxesVisibility("x", true); //default TRUE
handler.setAxesVisibility("y", false); //default TRUE
Configure chart legend visibility.
Params | Type | Description |
labels | ObjectArray | The array of objects with keys x or y |
let labels = {y: 'Y Label', x: 'X Label'};
Add optional grid lines on x grid.
Params | Type | Description |
show | Boolean | The visibility of grid x |
$scope.handler.setGridXVisible(true); //default false
Add optional grid lines on y grid.
Params | Type | Description |
show | Boolean | The visibility of grid y |
$scope.handler.setGridYVisible(true); //default false
Add optional mark line on y value.
Params | Type | Description |
value | Number | the y value to show the mark |
labelText | String | the label text of mark |
handler.setHorizontalMarkLine(400, "Label");
Configure empty values visibility on chart tooltip.
Params | Type | Description |
show | Boolean | Show or hide empty values in tooltip |
handler.setEmptyValuesTooltipVisibility(false); //default TRUE
Configure chart legend visibility.
Params | Type | Description |
show | Boolean | Show or hide chart legend |
handler.setLegendVisibility(false); //default TRUE
Set axes range.
Params | Type | Description |
axis | String | The axis: x or y |
initialRange | String/Number | The initial range of chart |
finalRange | String/Number | The final range of chart |
//if the range is a Number , it will be understood as the axis index
handler.setRangeAxes('x', 1, 2);
handler.setRangeAxes('y', 200, 500);
//if the range is a String will be understood as the axis Label
handler.setRangeAxes('x', '10-05-2015 00:00:00', '10-05-2015 23:59:59');
Set axes values.
In this way, you can determine the interval you want between the values.
You can determinate the inicial value, and the final value for each axis.
Params | Type | Description |
axis | String | The axis: y and x |
values | Number | The values for axes Y and X |
//If you want to set values for both axes -> Y axis and X axis.
//In this exemple we have 2 numbers at interval for Y-axis, and 3 numbers at interval for X-axis.
//We can se here that the Y-axis have number 2 for inicial value, and number 16 for final value.
//And we can se that the X-axis have number 3 for inicial value, and number 21 for final value.
handler.setAxisValues('y', [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16], 'x', [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21])
//If you want to set values just for the Y-axis, you must pass the X-axis parameter [].
handler.setAxisValues('y', [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16], 'x', [])
//If you want to set values just for the X-axis, you must pass the Y-axis parameter [].
handler.setAxisValues('y', [], 'x', [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21])
Set axes interval to the values.
In this way, you can determine the interval you want between the values.
You need determinate the inicial value, and the final value for each axis.
Params | Type | Description |
axis | String | The axis: y or x |
values | Number | The initial value |
values | Number | The final value |
values | Number | The interval for between the values |
//In this exemple we have the axis, the inicial value, the final value and the interval for between the values.
handler.setAxisInterval('y', 3, 20, 3)
Define the series color.
Params | Type | Description |
colorConfig | ObjectArray | The array with series and colors objects |
let colorConfig = [];
let serieColor = {};
serieColor['serie'] = 'VL_CONSUMO';
serieColor['color'] = '#eee';
handler.setSeriesColor(colorConfig); //change one serie color
//or directly
handler.setSeriesColor( [{serie: 'VL_CONSUMO', color: '#ff0000'},
{serie: 'VL_ESTOQUE', color: '#00ff00'},
{serie: 'VL_COMPRA', color: '#0000ff'}] ) //change tree series color
Define one serie color.
Params | Type | Description |
serie | String | The string with the serie identificator |
color | String | The string with the new color |
handler.setSerieColor('VL_CONSUMO', '#ff0000');
Define the series label.
Params | Type | Description |
labelConfig | ObjectArray | The array with series and labels objects |
let labelConfig = [];
let serieLabel = {};
serieLabel['serie'] = 'VL_CONSUMO';
serieLabel['label'] = 'NEW LABEL SERIE';
//or directly
handler.setSeriesLabel( [{serie: 'VL_CONSUMO', label: 'CONSUMO LABEL'},
{serie: 'VL_ESTOQUE', label: 'ESTOQUE LABEL'},
{serie: 'VL_COMPRA', label: 'COMPRA LABEL'}]);
Define one serie label.
Params | Type | Description |
serie | String | The string with the serie identificator |
label | String | The string with the new label |
handler.setSerieLabel('VL_CONSUMO', 'NEW LABEL');
Puts a title on the chart.
Params | Type | Description |
title | String | The charts title |
serieKeyName | String | The serie key name |
handler.setTitleChart('Chart Title');
Add optional mark line on x value.
Params | Type | Description |
value | String/Number | the x value to show the mark |
labelText | String | the label text of mark |
//if the value is a Number , it will be understood as the axis index
handler.setVerticalMarkLine(6, "Label");
//if the range is a String will be understood as the axis Label
handler.setVerticalMarkLine('2014-06-01', "Label");
Configure Zoom of the chart.
Params | Type | Description |
zoom | Boolean | Enable or disable zoom property of the serie |
handler.setZoom(true); //default FALSE
Enable\Disable Zoom to the chart. Has no parameters, if zoom is enabled will set disabled, and vice versa.
Get the wChart HTML element.
let wchart = handler.getElement();
Exports the full chart to a file, returning a promise that resolves to the file name.
.then(filename => {
.catch(err => {
Change the visibility of the header.
The header contains: Title and HandleBar.
visible: (Boolean) true to display the header, false to hide the header
Not available
@Controller({ domain: 'atePac/atePac', code: 123456 })
export default class Chart extends Chart {
onLoad(schematics, chart) {
Change the visibility of the handlebar.
visible: (Boolean) true to display the handlebar, false to hide the handlebar
Not available
@Controller({ domain: 'atePac/atePac', code: 123456 })
export default class Chart extends Chart {
onLoad(schematics, chart) {
Changes the histogram tooltip according to a function returning its template. The following parameters can be customized:
Font-size: this parameter can be defined using one of two css classes: "text-small" and "text-big".
Text alignment: this parameter can be defined using one of two css classes: "align-left" (aligns text to the left side) and "align-right" (aligns text to the right side).
Template structure: the developer can set an HTML template structure customized according to its preferences on the tooltip.
Please note that the function created by the developer containing the desired template may have up to 2 parameters:
y: this parameter is used to display the histogram Y-Axis value. Using it will show the hovered point y-value in the histogram.
x: this parameter is an object used to display the hovered point date (x.dateValue) and day (x.stringDate). Using it will show the hovered point date in the histogram and/or if the date is equal to today, tomorrow or yesterday. Please note that x.dateValue can be formatted according to the developer preferences. The syntax is "x.dateValue.format(formatPattern)". A full list of date formatting patterns can be found at Moment.js official documentation.
function: (function) A function returning the template customized according to the developer structure. This function must have (x, y) parameters. Default template is:
<div class="text-small align-left">${x.format('hh:mm A')}</div>
<div class="text-small align-left">${x.format('DD MMM YYYY')}</div>
<div class="text-big align-left">${data.y}</div>
Not available
@Controller({ domain: 'atePac/atePac', code: 123456 })
// Developer template function
function getTooltipParameters (x, y) {
const currentDate = moment(); //Get current date using Moment.js
let stringDate = 'Today';
//An example logic to display "Today", "Tomorrow" or "Yesterday" on tooltip
if (x !== currentDate.startOf('day')) {
var tomorrow = currentDate.clone().add(1, 'day').startOf('day');
var yesterday = currentDate.clone().subtract(1, 'day').startOf('day');
if (x.isSame(tomorrow, 'day')) {
stringDate = 'Tomorrow';
if (x.isSame(yesterday, 'day')) {
stringDate = 'Yesterday';
// The first div will display "Today", "Tomorrow" or "Yesterday" depending on the x-axis value. It will have a big font-size and will be set on the left side of the tooltip.
// The second div will display the x-axis date in "dd-mmm-yyyy" format. It will have a small font-size and will be set on the right side of the tooltip.
// The third div will display the y-axis value followed by a % symbol. It will have a big font-size and will be set on the left side of the tooltip.
return `<div class="text-big align-left">${stringDate}</div>
<div class="text-small align-right">${x.format('DD MMM YYYY')}</div>
<div class="text-big align-left">${y}%</div>`;
export default class Chart extends Chart {
onLoad(schematics, chart) {
chart.setTooltipFunction(getTooltipParameters); // The handler method receives the function above as an argument.
Checks if the chart has no content.
Not available.
Boolean: true if it is empty, false otherwise.
@Controller({ domain: 'atePac/atePac', code: 123456 })
export default class Chart extends Chart {
onLoad(schematics, handler) {
if (handler.isChartEmpty()) {
// Do something
} else {
// Do something else
When datalabels is activated, some times the label can overpass the limit of container. With clamp as true, the datalabel will calculate the positions and organize chart according new alues.
clamp: (Boolean) true to adjust automatically the paddings of chart to show completely labels and false to ignore limits of chart container.
Not available
import { WChart } from 'odin-utils/controllers';
@Controller({ domain: 'atePac/atePac', code: 123456 })
export default class ChartExample extends WChart {
onLoad(schematics, chart) {
Set padding in the chart. You can specify individual values or just one value that will be applied for all sides.
verticalPadding: (Number) Set vertical spacing, in other words, a spacing will be included in top and bottom of chart container.
horizontalPadding: (Number) Set horizontal spacing, in other words, a spacing will be included in left and right of chart container.
Not available
import { WChart } from 'odin-utils/controllers';
@Controller({ domain: 'atePac/atePac', code: 123456 })
export default class ChartExample extends WChart {
onLoad(schematics, chart) {
chart.setPadding(5, 10);
Within the wChart component, there's the possibility to print the rendered chart.
The process to print a chart can be achieved through the WReportService, with this service, you can then print a report of the chart, or visualize it.
To get the chart image to use within the report service, one must use the exportChart method, and then include the returned file path in the report.
There's also the possibility to download the chart image using the saveChartAs method.
To make use of a gauge chart, it's necessary to create a WChart object with the 'gauge' type in the object dictionary.
In the gauge chart there's the possibility to have different sessions of data, all of which will come together to form the final arc.
Each session should be registred as a individual series, and the value of the Y axis attribute
wil be used as the max value of that arc session.
The value that the gauge needle should point to also need to be registered as a serie, and then on the WChart object custom properties, the Y axis attribute
of the needle serie should be set on the gaugePointer
When using the gauge chart, it will also be showed some reference values on specific degrees of the chart. To specify how many values should be showed, there's the property gaugeDegreesQuantity
that accepts an numeric value.
The default number os values showed is set to 5.
There's also the possibility to use some of the following methods along with the gauge chart:
To create a gantt chart, it is necessary to create and feed data to the component programmatically through the methods documented in the Feeding data and creating the Gantt chart section, it is also extremely recommended to check the Data model section to understand how to pass data into the chart.
The main object of the Gantt, that represent the rows of the chart.
a string that represents the name of the activity.
an array of objects containing all tasks related to the activity.
const act = {
name: 'name',
tasks: []
a string that represents the name of the task.
a string that represents the content of the task. This value will be show in the task bar.
a number representing the percentage of completeness of the task.
a moment
object. It represents the start of the task.
a moment
object. It represents the end of the task.
a string that represents the current status of the task, can either values from the wChartGanttTaskConstant
constant object.
const task = {
name: 'task_name',
content: 'the content of the task',
progress: 50,
start: moment(),
end: instantObj,
status: wChartGanttTaskConstant.COMPLETE
To feed data into the chart, one must use the methods made available through the builder object, which can be obtained through the getGanttBuilder
method, from the wChart handler.
The builder object has the following methods:
This method is used to add activities to the Gantt chart.
// OR
const tasks = [task_0, task_1, task_2];
ganttBuilder.addActivity('Test', tasks)
This method is similar to the addActivity
method, but instead of multiple parameter passing, it accepts an array of activities, following the activity data model
const development = {
name: 'Development',
tasks: [dev_0, dev_1, dev_2, dev_3]
const testing = {
name: 'Testing',
tasks: [test_0, test_1, test_2]
const validation = {
name: 'Validation & Verification',
tasks: [vv_0, vv_1]
ganttBuilder.addActivities([development, testing, validation]);
This method is used to add a new task to an already existing activity.
const task = {
name: 'create componet wButton',
content: 'develop and test the wButton component',
progress: 20,
start: startDate,
end: endDate,
critical: false
ganttBuilder.addTask('development', task);
// OR
ganttBuilder.addTask('development', 'create component wButton', 'develop and test the wButton component', startDate, endDate, 20, 'Parado', '#b2e2ff', false);
Similtar to the addTask
method, this one receives an array of tasks, and concats the new tasks to the existing ones on the specified activity.
const task_0 = {
name: 'create_wButton',
content: 'develop and test the wButton component',
progress: 20,
start: startDate_0,
end: endDate_0
const task_1 = {
name: 'create_wChart',
content: 'develop and test the wChart component',
progress: 0,
start: startDate_1,
end: endDate_1
ganttBuilder.addTasks('development', [task_0, task_1]);
This method is used to set the start date of the Gantt chart. It accepts either a Instant
or a moment
This method is used to set the end date of the Gantt chart. It accepts either a Instant
or a moment
Column scale using any of momentJS#add() supported unit.
See: Angular Gantt - View Scale
The width of each column in px
See: Angular Gantt - Column Width
Column header for the labels.
See: Angular Gantt - Tree
This method is used to change action for default handlebar buttons (reports).
chartHandler.setAction('print', function(){});
Changes the state of a item on the chart handlebar
Name of the handlebar item to recieve the state change. WChartHandlebarConstants contains the names of the avaible items.
123: { // an example code of chart
onReady: function(schematics, chartHandler){
chartHandler.setActionState(WChartHandlebarConstants.SAVE_IMAGE, 'DISABLED');
This method return a promise with string base64.
When done configurating the chart, you can create the gantt chat through the chart handler and it will load into the screen, using the following code as example:
See more information at Wiki clicking here.
Use to create the chart component externally, without using the schematics.
Add a new series to the chart.
code: (number) Unique code for this serie.
type: (string) Chart type to be created. See all types here.
description: (string) Label representation for value. Default is y value.
values: (array) Values represented in the chart. Use the method createValue to create value object.
rotate: (boolean) Indicates the rotation of the chart.
maskX: (string|undefined) Mask for x axis label.
maskY: (string|undefined) Mask for y axis label.
colors: (string|array[string]|undefined) Colors for serie or values.
Create the value object to use in the series array.
x: (any) Indicates the position of value on x axis.
y: (any) Indicates the position of value on y axis.
description: (string) Text representation for value. Default is y value.
isTarget: (boolean) set to true if the value is a target. Default is false
class Dashboard extends WDashboard {
addFakeDataOnChartBuilder(chartBuilder) {
const values = [
chartBuilder.createValue(9, 1),
chartBuilder.createValue(7, 1),
chartBuilder.createValue(6, 3),
chartBuilder.createValue(5, 4),
chartBuilder.createValue(4, 4),
chartBuilder.createValue(3, 8, 'Target', true),
chartBuilder.addSerie(1, 'bar', 'Qty.', values, true, 'date(short)',',.2f');
return chartBuilder;
onAfterLoadRecords(schematics, wdashboard) {
this.addFakeDataOnChartBuilder(wdashboard.getChartBuilderInstance()), true
); // the second parameter define if the chart will appear after render
To use a action within a chart, you'll first have to configure your chart with the value @restricao on the SQL field of the object dictionary.
Afterwards, you'll need to create a new java class, with the WChartAction(nr_chart)
annotation. Inside the created class, you can use annotations for each of the series, with the WChartSerieResource(nr_serie)
annotation, as can be seen on the example below:
*** Attention when creating the methods annotated by the WChartSerieResource annotation, as the names can be anything you want.
@WChartAction(685920) //wchart
public class WChartActionSample {
@WChartSerieResource(685922) //first serie
public SQLModifierBuilder getFirstSerie(Map parameters){
return new SQLModifierBuilder(parameters)
.addRestriction("and 1 = 1")
.addRestriction("and 'ltpereira' = :nm_usuario ")
.addParameter("NM_USUARIO", "ltpereira");
@WChartSerieResource(685923) //second serie
public SQLModifierBuilder getSecondSerie(Map parameters){
return new SQLModifierBuilder(parameters)
.addRestriction("and 2 = 2")
.addRestriction("and 'mfklauberg' = :nm_usuario ")
.addParameter("NM_USUARIO", "mfklauberg");
It's possible to manipulate data before its getting returned from backend.
The post processing action annotated classes will be found and called right before returning from backend, that's the exact point if you need to manipulate your data. You'ill need to create an action interceptor, as shown below:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
@NamedAction(name = "postProcessSeries", referedInterface = AbstractWChartPostProcessingAction.class)
public class TecTesF1WChartPostProcessingAction extends AbstractWChartPostProcessingAction {
public ArrayList<WChartSeriesDTO> build(ArrayList<WChartSeriesDTO> series, Integer dictionaryCode, Map<String, Object> params,
ArrayList<HashMap> aditionalSeries, Map<String, Object> filterValues, WChartProperties chartProperties) {
ArrayList<WChartSeriesValueDTO> values1stSerie = new ArrayList();
ArrayList<WChartSeriesValueDTO> values2ndSerie = new ArrayList();
ArrayList<WChartSeriesValueDTO> values3rdSerie = new ArrayList();
ArrayList<WChartSeriesValueDTO> values4thSerie = new ArrayList();
String[] dates = {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
values1stSerie.add(createValueDTO(dates[i],400 - 10 * i));
values2ndSerie.add(createValueDTO(dates[i],50 * i));
values3rdSerie.add(createValueDTO(dates[i],200 - 2 * i));
if (i == 1) {
values4thSerie.add(createValueDTO(dates[i], 0));
} else {
values4thSerie.add(createValueDTO(dates[i],100 * i - 75));
for (WChartSeriesValueDTO value : values1stSerie) {
for (WChartSeriesValueDTO value : values2ndSerie) {
for (WChartSeriesValueDTO value : values3rdSerie) {
for (WChartSeriesValueDTO value : values4thSerie) {
return series;
private WChartSeriesValueDTO createValueDTO(Object axisX, Object axisY) {
WChartSeriesValueDTO value = new WChartSeriesValueDTO();
return value;
To use filters within charts, you have to need to configure your chart serie with @restricao on the SQL field of the object dictionary.
There's also the possibility to use custom actions with filters within charts, and to make use of this feature, you have to create a class that extends from AbstractWChartWithFilterAction
, as can be seen in the example bellow:
@NamedAction(name = "TecTesF1WChartWithFilterAction", referedInterface = AbstractWChartWithFilterAction.class)
public class TecTesF1WChartWithFilterAction extends AbstractWChartWithFilterAction {
public TecTesF1WChartWithFilterAction(RequisicaoVO request) {
public void build(Map<String, Object> params, Map<String, Object> filterValues) {
addFilterRestriction(" AND ROWNUM < 2 ");
Where the name
parameter on the @NamedAction
annotation is the name that you used on the action
field on the filter properties.
To use labels in point chart, you have to need to configure your chart as example below.
@Controller({ domain: 'atePac/atePac', code: 123456 })
export default class WChart extends WChart {
onReady(schematics, chart) {
$scope.handler.setLabelFormatter((record, idSerie, serieIndex, rowIndex) => {
// the return info must be information you want to display to the user
// verify if the information you need is in the record
// if the info doesn't exist on record, you must change the chart SQL
// adding the column info you need, then it will e added on record
return record.x.toString(); // default is null
$scope.handler.showLabels(true); // default false
Use this method if you want to change the way the chart data labels are shown.
dataLabelDisplayFunc: (function) A function that will be used to display the data label. It receives three parameters ready for usage:
- label: Contains the chart data used to identify what is the current referred data. For example: Positive/Negative.
- value: The current referred chart data value formatted according to its type. For example: R$ 1234,00 or $ 1234.00.
- percentage: The current referred chart data percentage already calculated without format.
Not available.
import { Controller } from '@philips/odin-ext';
import PFCSChartBase from '../../../commons/controllersBase/PFCSChartBase';
@Controller({ domain: 'pfcs/PfcsCO', code: 1145480 })
export default class TestsResultsWC extends PFCSChartBase {
onLoad() {
this.handler.setDataLabelDisplayFunc((label, value) => `${label}: ${value}`);
Configure chart slider visibility.
Params | Type | Description |
show | Boolean | Show or hide chart slider |
Not available.
handler.setSliderVisibility(true); //default FALSE
Configure slider legend visibility.
Params | Type | Description |
visible | Boolean | Show or hide legend slider |
Not available.
Use this method if you want to put vertical lines on chart. (Only works on line chart)
linesGrid: (array) Values represented in the chart to create the vertical lines.
const linesGrid = [
{ value: 100, text: 'Line 1' },
{ value: 200, text: 'Line 2' },
{ value: 300, text: 'Line 3' },
{ value: 400, text: 'Line 4' }
import { Controller, Inject } from '@philips/odin-ext';
import { WChart } from 'odin-utils/controllers';
@Controller({ domain: 'nicu/NicuAn', code: 1111111 })
export default class FluidBalanceChartWChart extends WChart {
onLoad(schematics, handler) {
Set the value to show the average line inside the chart. (It's only works on Stacked Bar chart)
showAverageLine: (boolean) true to display the average line, false to hide the average line.
Get the value to show the average line inside the chart. (It's only works on Stacked Bar chart)
Not available.
Set the last values in the lines to show on colum. (It's only works on Line chart)
Not available.
Configures the chart to use round scales on the y axis.
Not available.
Not available.
import { Controller, Inject } from '@philips/odin-ext';
import { WChart } from 'odin-utils/controllers';
@Controller({ domain: 'nicu/NicuAn', code: 1111111 })
export default class FluidBalanceChartWChart extends WChart {
onLoad(schematics, handler) {
Histogram is a chart that lets you discover and show the frequency distribution of a set of continuous data.
To make use of a Histogram chart, it's necessary to create a WChart object with the 'histogram' type in the object dictionary.
By default this chart apply the Sturges' formula.
It this chart only necessary inform the axis X for your loading.
The type of data accepted is date or number.
The bins is used for to specify intervals for the chart. By default this chart apply the Sturges' formula that divides values into bins using uniformly-spaced values.
You can change in the properties in object dictionary how bins should be generated, applying this:
On property typeInterval the values available are: time, hour, day, month and year.
On property typeIntervalValue specify the number value.
- Example: typeInterval: month and typeIntervalValue: 2. The bins is generated for month and tick label for every two month.
For this case is works only for date type.
This chart type is displayed when there is a need to present a slider that interacts with the main character. It can be set to a certain range size.
In schematics you need to set three pieces of information:
- showSlider: checkbox with value "S" or "N";
- minRangeValue: minimum value for the slider to select;
- minRangeValue: maximum value for the slider to select;
this attribute allows the user to set the maximum target field
data type the property accepts - String
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user to set the minimum target field
data type the property accepts - String
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user to set the maximum target value
data type the property accepts - String
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user to set the minimum target value
data type the property accepts - String
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user to set the type of the target
data type the property accepts - String
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user to set the type of the string
data type the property accepts - String
In the backend the user can set the same as the example:
this attribute allows the user to set the type of the chart serie
data type the property accepts - SerieType
- There is an enum with the types available to the user: br/com/philips/tasy/dto/shared/wchart/
bar("B", "HB")
bar("B", "HB")
line("L", "HL")
area("A", "HA")
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user to set the title for the chart
data type the property accepts - String
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user to set the title for the axis X
data type the property accepts - String
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user to set the title for the axis Y
data type the property accepts - String
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user to set the title for the axis Y2
data type the property accepts - String
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user to define the position of the X axis title
data type the property accepts - AxisXPositionTextEnum
- There is an enum with the positions available to the user: br/com/philips/tasy/dto/shared/wchart/
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user to define the position of the Y axis title
data type the property accepts - AxisYPositionTextEnum
- There is an enum with the positions available to the user: br/com/philips/tasy/dto/shared/wchart/
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user to define the type of the X axis
data type the property accepts - AxisXType
- There is an enum with the positions available to the user: br/com/philips/tasy/dto/shared/wchart/
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user to define the type of the Y axis
data type the property accepts - AxisYType
- There is an enum with the positions available to the user: br/com/philips/tasy/dto/shared/wchart/
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user define if want to set the inner axis Y
data type the property accepts - Boolean
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user define if want to set the inner axis Y2
data type the property accepts - Boolean
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user to tick values for axis X
data type the property accepts - ArrayList
In the backend the user can set this propierty
wChartSeriesListDTO.getChartProperties().setTickValueAxisX(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("0","10","15","30","40")));
this attribute allows the user to tick values for axis Y
data type the property accepts - ArrayList
In the backend the user can set this propierty
wChartSeriesListDTO.getChartProperties().setTickValueAxisY(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("0","10","15","30","40")));
this attribute allows the user to tick values for axis Y2
data type the property accepts - ArrayList
In the backend the user can set this propierty
wChartSeriesListDTO.getChartProperties().setTickValueAxisY2(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("0","10","15","30","40")));
this attribute allows the user define if want to show the grid´s at the axis X
data type the property accepts - Boolean
In the backend the user can set this propierty
this attribute allows the user define if want to show the grid´s at the axis Y
data type the property accepts - Boolean
In the backend the user can set this propierty
linesGridX (WChartGridLineDTO)
this attribute allows the user define if want to set and show the lines at the axis X
data type the property accepts - (WChartGridLineDTO)
linesGridY (WChartGridLineDTO)
this attribute allows the user define if want to set and show the lines at the axis Y
data type the property accepts - (WChartGridLineDTO)
In the backend the user can create a method to fill X axis lines array and Y axis lines array
private void fillArrayLines(ArrayList<WChartGridLineDTO> arrayListLinesX, ArrayList<WChartGridLineDTO> arrayListLinesY) {
// X Lines//
WChartGridLineDTO wChartGridLineDTOX1 = new WChartGridLineDTO();
WChartGridLineDTO wChartGridLineDTOX2 = new WChartGridLineDTO();
WChartGridLineDTO wChartGridLineDTOX3 = new WChartGridLineDTO();
// Y Lines//
WChartGridLineDTO wChartGridLineDTOY1 = new WChartGridLineDTO();
WChartGridLineDTO wChartGridLineDTOY2 = new WChartGridLineDTO();
WChartGridLineDTO wChartGridLineDTOY3 = new WChartGridLineDTO();
Then the user can call the fillArrayLines method
private void callArrayLines(wChartSeriesListDTO) {
ArrayList<WChartGridLineDTO> arrayListLinesY = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<WChartGridLineDTO> arrayListLinesX = new ArrayList<>();
fillArrayLines(arrayListLinesX, arrayListLinesY);
In the evolution graph, it is necessary to transform the values, when the X-axis ruler is for years, to render the graph correctly.
if the month is 1 (January), it is necessary to transform it to 0.333..., to month placement is correct.
To activate the rules mode on the x-axis, it is necessary to pass 2 parameters, one of which is mandatory,
valueX => valueX / 3; || valueX => (valueX / 12) * 4;
this parameter is necessary to know until what year the scale must be created (mandatory for active the ruler)
data type the property accepts - (WChartGridLineDTO)
this parameter is used to say in which year it will start the axis scale, if the parameter is not passed, it will start at 0
data type the property accepts - (WChartGridLineDTO)
The "AREA_LINE" type chart uses two series: area and line within the same rendering.This makes it possible for the user to visualize a set of data graphically.
To use the 'AREA_LINE_' type chart, you need to make some configurations:
To set the series of the Chart via the handler, the 'addAllSeries' function was created, so you must send all the series at once, so that the necessary calculations can be made on the part of the Framework, referring to all the series of AREA and LINE . *Use the same way as the 'addSeries' method, but using addAllSeries.
Series AREA => remembering that the series of type area will be used only to assemble the back part, the backgound of the graphic, just for visual effects.
When setting area-type series, you need to set them to the end of your graph, so that the background is 100% filled with color.
Series LINE => the series of the line type will be the graph that will have the reference points meeting between the X, Y axes that when passing the mouse over will present the tooltip with the complementary information..
This method is use just for area-line charts
This method adds all the news series to the area-line.
data: (Object) All graph series, both areas and lines.
import { Singleton, Inject } from '@philips/odin-ext';
@Singleton({ domain: 'atePac/AtePacGC' })
export default class VsClinicalNotearyGraphCommons {
allSeries = []
addSerieFilter(handler, serie, serieCode) {
serie.VALUES.filter(({ Y }) => Y > 0).map(value => value.Y),
serie.VALUES.filter(({ Y }) => Y > 0).map(value => value.X),
addSerieSort(handler, serie, serieCode) {
serie.VALUES.sort((a, b) => a.X > b.X ? 1 : -1).map(value => value.Y),
serie.VALUES.sort((a, b) => a.X > b.X ? 1 : -1).map(value => value.X),
addSerieChart(handler, chart) {
chart.SERIES.forEach((serie, i) => {
if (serie.IS_PATIENT) {
this.addSerieFilter(handler, serie, i);
} else {
this.addSerieSort(handler, serie, i);
Setting to change chart type to 'AREA_LINE'
const chartData = {
chartProperties: {
title: chartTitle,
type: 'area_line',
propertiesNew: {}
this.chartData = chartData;
To activate the X-axis with the month/year ruler, we have to pass these two pieces of information through the 'setChartProperties' function:
- yearInitialRulerTickAxisX = 5; // starting year of chart
- YearFinalRulerTickAxisX = 8; // final year of chart.
Setting inicial value to use as a ruler
Setting final value to use as a ruler
const chartData = {
chartProperties: {
title: chartTitle,
type: 'area_line',
propertiesNew: {}
this.chartData = chartData;
It is necessary to go month by month, that is, all the months of the X axis.
if you want to show data from 5 years to 8 years for example, you will have to pass the X axis as [60, 61, 62, 63.. etc], where 60 = 5 years and 61 = 5 years and one month and so on.
This is necessary so that the framework can do the calculation
Setting X-axis values to use as a ruler
//here we are setting the Y-axis [], and the X-axis whith the months between 5 years and 8 years.
//start in 60 because 5 x 12 = 60 meses
//61 = 5 years + 1 month
//62 = 5 years + two months ... so on...
'x', [60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96])
// So in your query that comes from the database, you must come with the values, according to the months.
this.atePacGCService.executeAction('getVsClinicalNotearyGraph', params).then(chart => {
this.setHeigthForGraphs(item, length);
y: chart.Y_NAME,
x: chart.X_NAME
this.addSerieChart(handler, chart);
if you are going to use the ruler for X-axis, you cannot pass the max and min values for X-axis using the setRangeAxes method.
if you are going to set max and min values for the axis, using the setRangeAxes method, you don´t have to use the setAxisValues method. you must use either one or the other.
The "LINE_CHART_JS" type chart basically has the same structure as the "LINE" type, but it was created so that we can customize the 'point styles'.
To use the 'LINE_CHART_JS' type chart, we need to make the change via 'BACKEND', as this type of chart is a motivation of the 'LINE' type, so to use it we have to make some configurations and change the default 'Line' type.
The functionality of the chart types 'LINE' and 'LINE_CHART_JS' have practically the same behaviors.
However, in order to customize the 'point styles', we had to use another graphics library and, for this reason, there may be a small visual or behavioral difference between them.
Setting to change chart type to 'LINE_CHART_JS'
WChartProperties chartProperties = new WChartProperties();
Configuration to change point style, we have these options: 'CIRCLE', 'CROSS', 'CROSS_ROT', 'DASH', 'LINE', 'RECT', 'RECT_ROUNDED', 'RECT_ROT', 'STAR', 'TRIANGLE'
WChartProperties chartProperties = new WChartProperties();
Configuration to set lines colors
WChartProperties chartProperties = new WChartProperties();
ArrayList<String> linesColors = new ArrayList<>();
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
@NamedAction(name = "postProcessSeries", referedInterface = AbstractWChartPostProcessingAction.class)
public class TecTesF1WChartPostProcessingAction extends AbstractWChartPostProcessingAction {
public ArrayList<WChartSeriesDTO> build(ArrayList<WChartSeriesDTO> series, Integer dictionaryCode, Map<String, Object> params,
ArrayList<HashMap> aditionalSeries, Map<String, Object> filterValues, WChartProperties chartProperties) {
ArrayList<WChartSeriesValueDTO> values1stSerie = new ArrayList();
ArrayList<WChartSeriesValueDTO> values2ndSerie = new ArrayList();
ArrayList<WChartSeriesValueDTO> values3rdSerie = new ArrayList();
ArrayList<WChartSeriesValueDTO> values4thSerie = new ArrayList();
String[] dates = {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
values1stSerie.add(createValueDTO(dates[i],400 - 10 * i));
values2ndSerie.add(createValueDTO(dates[i],50 * i));
values3rdSerie.add(createValueDTO(dates[i],200 - 2 * i));
if (i == 1) {
values4thSerie.add(createValueDTO(dates[i], 0));
} else {
values4thSerie.add(createValueDTO(dates[i],100 * i - 75));
for (WChartSeriesValueDTO value : values1stSerie) {
for (WChartSeriesValueDTO value : values2ndSerie) {
for (WChartSeriesValueDTO value : values3rdSerie) {
for (WChartSeriesValueDTO value : values4thSerie) {
// Configuration of chart properties 'LINE_CHART_JS'
// Sets to type 'LINE_CHART_JS'
// Sets 'point style' of the FIRST series to type 'TRIANGLE'
// Sets 'point style' of the SECOND series to type 'STAR'
// Sets 'point style' of the THIRD series to type 'CIRCLE'
// Sets 'point style' of the FOURTH series to type 'RECT_ROUNDED'
// Sets 'line colors'
ArrayList<String> linesColors = new ArrayList<>();
return series;
private WChartSeriesValueDTO createValueDTO(Object axisX, Object axisY) {
WChartSeriesValueDTO value = new WChartSeriesValueDTO();
return value;
In the Input Output graph, it is necessary to pass one more value to the backend if it is necessary to make the jump in scale.
In positive scale or negative scale
ValuesBreakDTO valuesBreakDTO = new ValuesBreakDTO();
ValueBreakDTO positive = new ValueBreakDTO();
ValueBreakDTO negative = new ValueBreakDTO();