Add Clippy to any Xamarin.Mac/Xamarin.iOS (in the future it will support other UI toolkits) application for instant nostalgia.
Xam.Mac | Xam.iOS | Wpf | VS4Mac |
Add this code to you to your application to enable ClippySharp.
var agentView = new AgentView();
mainWindow.ContentView = agentView;
var agent = new Agent("clippy");
agentView.SetAgent (agent, initialAnimation: true)
All the agent actions are queued and executed by order, so you could stack them.
// play a given animation
// play a random animation
// get a list of all the animations
agent.GetAnimations ();
// => ["MoveLeft", "Congratulate", "Hide", "Pleased", "Acknowledge", ...]
// Show text balloon
agent.Speak("When all else fails, bind some paper together. My name is Clippy.");
// move to the given point, use animation if available
// gesture at a given point (if gesture animation is available)
// stop the current action in the queue
// stop all actions in the queue and go back to idle mode
- ClippySharp it's a port of clippy.js for C#. Thanks to Smore Inc and all the team for creating this awesome assistant.
- The awesome Cinnamon Software for developing Double Agent the program used to unpack Clippy and his friends!
- Microsoft, for creating clippy :)