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A zero-dependency-injection Prometheus metrics reporter for NestJS


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📊 A zero-dependency-injection alternative to Prometheus metrics solutions for NestJS.
Effortlessly report metrics from anywhere in your codebase without complex setup or dependency injection.

OverviewQuick StartAPI ReferenceContributingLicense


npm install nestjs-metrics-client


nestjs-metrics-client is a lightweight, zero-setup alternative to @willsoto/nestjs-prometheus, eliminating the need for dependency injection or extensive configuration. Instantly report metrics from anywhere in your application using a global static reporter.

import { ReporterService } from 'nestjs-metrics-client';

ReporterService.counter( 'api_requests_total', { endpoint: '/users' } );

Why Choose nestjs-metrics-client?

🚀 No Dependency Injection
Unlike @willsoto/nestjs-prometheus, nestjs-metrics-client removes the need for cumbersome dependency injection, making your code cleaner and more portable.

🌟 Effortless Integration
With zero setup, you can start tracking metrics immediately. No need to configure a service in every file—just use the global ReporterService.

🎯 Focus on Simplicity
Designed for developers who want powerful metrics without the complexity of managing dependencies or boilerplate code.

Quick Start

1. Import and Configure the Module

Minimal setup required! Just import the ReporterModule in your AppModule.

import { Module } from "@nestjs/common";
import { ReporterModule } from 'nestjs-metrics-client';

@Module( {
     imports: [
          ReporterModule.forRoot( {
               // Default metrics are disabled by default, set to true to enable.
               defaultMetricsEnabled: true,
               defaultLabels: {
                    app: 'my-app',
                    environment: 'production',
               // Optional: Configure Pushgateway for batch job metrics
               pushgatewayUrl: 'http://pushgateway:9091',
               pushgatewayOptions: {
                    timeout: 5000,
                    headers: {
                         'Custom-Header': 'value'
                    auth: {
                         username: 'user',
                         password: 'pass'
          } ),
} )
export class AppModule {

2. Report Metrics Anywhere

Once initialized, you can start reporting metrics instantly from anywhere in your application.

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ReporterService } from 'nestjs-metrics-client';

export class UserService {
     async createUser() {
          // Increment user creation counter
          ReporterService.counter( 'users_created_total', {
               source: 'api',
               user_type: 'standard'
          } );
          // Update active user gauge
          ReporterService.gauge( 'active_users', 42, {
               region: 'us-east-1'
          } );
          // Push metrics to Pushgateway
          await ReporterService.pushMetrics( 'user_service_job' );

API Reference

The global static service for reporting metrics:

Method Description Parameters
counter() Increment a counter metric key: string, labels?: Record<string, string | number>
gauge() Set a gauge value key: string, value: number, labels?: Record<string, string | number>
histogram() Record a histogram value key: string, value: number, labels?: Record<string, string | number>, buckets?: number[]
summary() Record a summary value key: string, value: number, labels?: Record<string, string | number>, percentiles?: number[]
pushMetrics() Push metrics to Pushgateway jobName: string

Module Configuration


Option Type Default Description
defaultMetricsEnabled boolean false Enable collection of default metrics
defaultLabels Record<string, string> {} Labels automatically added to all metrics
pushgatewayUrl string undefined URL of the Pushgateway server
pushgatewayOptions PushgatewayOptions {} Additional options for Pushgateway requests


Supports dynamic configuration with factory providers:

ReporterModule.forRootAsync( {
     useFactory: () => ( {
          defaultLabels: {
               app: process.env.APP_NAME || 'default-app',
               environment: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development',
          pushgatewayUrl: process.env.PUSHGATEWAY_URL,
          pushgatewayOptions: {
               timeout: parseInt( process.env.PUSHGATEWAY_TIMEOUT ) || 5000
     } ),
} );


This package uses semantic versioning via commit messages:

Version Bumping Commits

# Patch Release (1.0.X)
fix: message      # Bug fixes
perf: message     # Performance improvements

# Minor Release (1.X.0)
feat: message     # New features

# Major Release (X.0.0)
feat!: message            # Breaking change
fix!: message             # Breaking change
BREAKING CHANGE: message  # Breaking change anywhere in the commit body

Non-Version Bumping Commits

Only these specific types are allowed:

build: message    # Changes to build system or dependencies
chore: message    # Maintenance tasks
ci: message       # CI configuration files and scripts
docs: message     # Documentation only
refactor: message # Neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
style: message    # Code style (formatting, semicolons, etc)
test: message     # Adding or correcting tests

Any other prefix will cause the commit to be ignored by semantic-release and won't appear anywhere in release notes.


Contributions are welcome! Please check out our Contributing Guide to get started.


This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.