This repo contains the Jupyter notebooks and other files related to scientific computing 2017
Unit converstions
Coordinate systems (Cartesian, polar) and conversions
More coordinate systems and a tiny bit about data types
Models (generally), quadratic equation and finding roots
Numerical analysis of math problems
Iteration as a problem solving strategy
Basic summary statistics (mean, variance, SD, max, min, median, mode) programmed from scratch
Basic summary statistics continued
Protein and nucleic acid sequence and structure
More on protein and nucleic acid sequences, a tiny bit on the periodic table
none (Unix shell and command line tutorials, intro script files)
Protein structure (atomic coordinates), databases, molecule data files (PDB for protein structure), parsing
Global public health data analysis, reproducible data analysis, working with large tabular data sets (the example is a subset of the Gapminder data)
minimal planets and atoms (object oriented programming)
Combinations, permutations, recursion
Simulation, random numbers, stochastic processes. Data types and plotting
Distributions, transformations, sampling
Monte Carlo simulation, Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution
Diffusion and equilibrium
Equilibrium simulation, simulation stats and plotting results
Random walk
Physics of free fall
Approximation methods and error, plotting
2D random walks, multi-dimensional arrays (matrices), plotting
Students choose and develop a computing project that fits their science interests