We’re going to design an API for the doctors of a Hospital which has been allocated by the govt for testing and quarantine + well being of COVID-19 patients
There can be 2 types of Users
Doctors can log in
Each time a patient visits, the doctor will follow 2 steps
Register the patient in the app (using phone number, if the patient already exists, just return the patient info in the API)
After the checkup, create a Report
Patient Report will have the following fields
Created by doctor
Status (You can use enums if you want to):
Can be either of: [Negative, Travelled-Quarantine, Symptoms-Quarantine, Positive-Admit]
First start with downloading the code and and write npm install on code editor, it will install all dependencies on your editor. You will need a code editor and mongoDB setup on your computer. We will use postman to check the api is working or not,So download postman on your computer.
1.Now use this http://localhost:5000/api/v1/doctors/register route to register doctor in API and add the info as shown in image
2.Use this http://localhost:5000/api/v1/doctors/login to login as a doctor and add info as shown in image
3.Use this http://localhost:5000/api/v1/patients/register and add the token in authorization area which is recieved in second point
- Use this http://localhost:5000/api/v1/patients/62c31cc86a84003324d04cb5/create_report to create report and add status you can see the types of status in report model.
- Use this http://localhost:5000/api/v1/patients/62c31cc86a84003324d04cb5/all_reports to get all the reports.
Project already deployed on Heroku(For better exp: use Postman for accesing above Routes)
Do Visit: https://hospitalapi0.herokuapp.com/api/v1/doctors/register