update: more recent writeups are at fastb.in
Writeups for CTF challenges I've solved
Many of these are in my undergrad team's writeup repo and I'll just link them here.
- hwdbg (CakeCTF 2021)
- not_so_tiger (CakeCTF 2021)
- mooosl (DEFCON Quals 2021)
- word_games (CSAW CTF Quals 2021)
- sandboxgrind (hxp CTF 2021)
- unsafe-linking (CSAW CTF Quals 2022)
- smoothie operator (CSAW CTF Finals 2022)
- hardened redis (Real World CTF 2023)
- mongoose mayhem (Hack-A-Sat 2)
- Author writeup: osu? (BuckeyeCTF 2022)
- shitty blog (hxp CTF 2021)
Other challenges I've solved and want to do a writeup but haven't had time:
- weather (rev, Google CTF 2021)
- rp2sm (rev, redpwnCTF 2021)
- empires / deserts (browser pwn, redpwnCTF 2021)