James E. Flemer [email protected]
June 10, 2012
This script uses the Juniper Access Manager (JAM) web services to download VPN settings from a Juniper SRX firewall (or other JunOS device with Dynamic VPN support). It is capable of writing the settings out in the format used by network-manager-vpnc, and the format used by plain vpnc.
Run with --help for usage.
Example for network-manager-vpnc:
jam-config addr vpn.example.com user joe pass joespwd | sudo tee /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/MyVPN
Example for plain vpnc:
jam-config addr vpn.example.com user joe pass joespwd format vpnc | sudo tee /etc/vpnc/MyVPN.conf
- Vpnc and network-manager-vpnc need patches to support Juniper SRX. Hopefully these will be integrated upstream soon.
- Plain vpnc doesn't have the ability to setup routes like network-manager.
- The IKE and IPSec algorithms are not processed yet. This should be trivial to add if needed. (Add "debug 1" to the command line to get started.)
- If the vpn uses a self-signed or otherwise "bad" SSL certificate
you may need to set
in the environment before running.
- Ideally, this capability would be directly integrated into the network-manager-vpnc GUI in some way (i.e. act a bit more like the windows JAM client.)
- vpnc: http://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~massar/vpnc/
- NetworkManager: http://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager/
- vpnc w/ Juniper SRX support: https://github.com/ndpgroup/vpnc
- network-manager-vpnc patches: https://gist.github.com/3747514