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TuCat is a generic tool to extract data from APIs

Installation guide for Debian/Ubuntu

Prerequisites: Docker & Docker Compose

Clone the Tucat repository

# git clone

# cd tucat

Copy the .env.example file into .env and edit the .env file

Run the following and copy the result in SECRET_KEY in the .env file

# python -c 'import random; result = "".join([random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*(-_=+)") for i in range(50)]); print(result)'

Optional : Get the extra fixtures

Sometimes, you may need to import extra fixtures for account users & socialaccount. You just need to copy the corresponding json files into ./config/fixtures/. And they will be copied in the docker image in the next step.

Build docker images

# sudo docker-compose build

Setup with initial data

# sudo docker-compose run --rm djangoapp ./config/


# sudo docker-compose up