EasyAlert is a simple and configurable alert framework, that allows you to easily add custom alerts and slide up menus to your swift iOS application. Unlike the standard UAlertController, EasyAlert enables complete customisation of colours, fonts, shadows, buttons and more, to make your application's alerts fit in with your preferences, style and application design.
- Both Alerts and Action Sheets supported
- Configurable alert animations (Appear, SlideUp, SlideDown)
- Simple style customisations including colours, shadows, fonts and more
- Infinite control of button behaviour and appearance
- Basic API calls make integration a breeze
// setup
init(title: String?, message: String?, type: EAType)
// configuration
func addAction(action: EAActionProtocol)
func updateTitleText(text: String)
func updateMessageText(text: String)
func updateAnimationStyle(show show: EAAnimationStyle, dismiss: EAAnimationStyle)
// styling
func updateStatusBarStyle(style: UIStatusBarStyle)
func updateFonts(titleFont: UIFont, messageFont: UIFont)
func updateBackColour(backColour: UIColor, itemColour: UIColor)
func updateCornerRadius(cornerRadius: CGFloat)
func enableBorder(enable: Bool)
func enableShadow(enable: Bool)
// setup
init(title: String, subtitle: String?, icon: UIImage?, handler: (Void)->(Void))
// configuration
func updateHandler(handler: (Void)->(Void))
func updateTitleText(text: String)
func updateSubtitleText(text: String)
func updateIconImage(image: UIImage)
// styling
func updateColours(backColour: UIColor, itemColour: UIColor)
func updateFonts(titleFont: UIFont, subtitleFont: UIFont)
func updateCornerRadius(cornerRadius: CGFloat, borderWidth: CGFloat)
// setup
init(button: UIButton, handler: (Void)->(Void))
// configuration
func updateButton(button: UIButton)
func updateHandler(handler: (Void)->(Void))
Simply import the three library files (EAProtocol.swift, EAController.swift, EAAction.swift) into your project and your ready to get alerting! Follow the simple API call to create, configure and present an alert in your own application.
To create and alert, simply call the following init method on the EAController class
init(title: String?, message: String?, type: EAType)
for example
let alert = EAController(title: "Title", message: "My message", type: alertType)
Once created, you can update the styling and content of your alert using its update methods.
alert.updateTitleText( "New Title" )
alert.updateMessageText( "New Message" )
alert.updateAnimationStyle(show: .Appear, dismiss: .SlideDown)
alert.updateStatusBarStyle( .LightContent )
alert.updateFonts(titleFont, messageFont: messageFont)
alert.updateBackColour(UIColor.whiteColor(), itemColour: UIColor.blackColor())
alert.updateCornerRadius( 5 )
alert.enableBorder( false )
alert.enableShadow( true )
Actions correlate to buttons that can be selected in an alert. There are two types of actions...
A StandardAction uses a prewritten UIButton, which can be styled using some simple method calls.
A CustomButton gets passed a UIButton of the users own creation, enabling infinite styling/behaviour.
To create and configure a StandardAction, follow the following basic procedure
let action = EAStandardAction(title: "Facebook", subtitle: "Share to your wall", icon:fbImg, handler: { (Void) -> (Void) in
print("Action Selected")
action.updateColours(UIColor.whiteColor(), itemColour: UIColor.blackColor())
action.updateFonts(titleFont, subtitleFont: subtitleFont)
action.updateCornerRadius(5, borderWidth: 2)
(n.b. both subtitle and message are optionals. If nil, they will not be present.)
To create a CustomAction, follow the following basic procedure
let action = EACustomAction(button: UIButton(), handler: { (Void) -> (Void) in
print("Action Selected")
To add an action to an alert, use the following metho
The EAController class is a subclass of UIViewController. Therefore, to present the alert, simply call...
self.presentViewController(alert, animated: false, completion: nil)
Happy alerting!