This project is used to demonstrate the process of creating an iMessage app from a standalone app. It's just a simple TicTacToe
game, if you could even call it a game, as it can't detect wins as of yet. However, it's good enough to learn a little about
iMessage app extensions. It even has sticker support!
To run this, clone or download the repository. Open the project by clicking the TicTacToeApp.xcodeproj or by typing:
open TicTacToeApp.xcodeproj
Then next to the play and stop button, there's a button that shows either TicTacToeApp or TicTacToeMessage as in the screenshot below. Click and hold that to select your target, one's the standalone app and the other's the iMessage app.
Lots of credit goes to Apple's demo app for Messages. Some code segments were blatantly lifted from inspired by that demo but a good part of this is unique and covers a few things Apple's demo doesn't. Their demo is really good and can be found at the link below.