This PHP package allows you to generate secure passwords with configurable options, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.
You can install this package using Composer. Run the following command in the terminal:
composer require natanael-oliveira/secure-password-generator
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Loads Composer classes
use SecurePasswordGenerator\SecurePasswordGenerator;
$generator = new SecurePasswordGenerator();
// Generate a secure password of length 8
try {
$password = $generator->generatePassword(8);
} catch (Exception $e) {
allowLowercase(bool $allow): void
- Enables or disables lowercase letters in the password.allowUppercase(bool $allow): void
- Enables or disables uppercase letters in the password.allowNumbers(bool $allow): void
- Enables or disables numbers in the password.allowSpecialCharacters(bool $allow): void
- Enables or disables special characters in the password.generatePassword(int $length = 12): string
- Generates a secure password with the specified length.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or send a pull request if you want to contribute.