Leaflet plugin for Laravel freamwork
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
composer require nailfor/leaflet
npm install vue2-leaflet --save
or add
"nailfor/leaflet" : "*"
to the require section of your application's composer.json
Publish js classes
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="nailfor\leaflet\Providers\MapServiceProvider"
Register components in app.js
import Vue2Leaflet from 'vue2-leaflet';
Vue.component('v-map', Vue2Leaflet.LMap);
Vue.component('v-tilelayer', Vue2Leaflet.LTileLayer);
Vue.component('v-marker', Vue2Leaflet.LMarker);
Vue.component('v-circle', Vue2Leaflet.LCircle);
Vue.component('v-polygon', Vue2Leaflet.LPolygon);
Vue.component('v-control', Vue2Leaflet.LControlZoom);
Vue.component('v-popup', Vue2Leaflet.LPopup);
Vue.component('v-icon', Vue2Leaflet.LIcon);
Example Controller
use nailfor\leaflet\Leaflet;
use nailfor\leaflet\Circle;
use nailfor\leaflet\Marker;
use nailfor\leaflet\Polygon;
class MapController extends Controller
* Display a listing of the resource.
* @param UsersGridInterface $usersGrid
* @param Request $request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function index() {
$marker = new Marker([
'coord' => ['55.75222', '37.61556'],
'iconName' => 'checkIcon',
'icon' => 'icon/leaf-green.png',
'shadow' => 'icon/leaf-shadow.png',
'popup' => 'Москва',
'draggable' => true,
'ajax' => '/map/ajax', //for dynamic updadate coordinates
'ajaxDelay' => 1, //delay call /map/ajax in seconds
$circle = new Circle([
'coord' => ['55.75222', '37.61556'],
'radius' => 500
//'popup' => 'cirle',
$polygon = new Polygon([
'coord' => [
['55.75222', '37.61556'],
['55.75222', '37.62556'],
['55.76222', '37.62556']
//'color' => 'yellow',
//'popup' => 'triangle',
$map = new Leaflet([
'objects' => [
return $map->render();
* route for /map/ajax
* return random coords
public function ajax() {
$dx = rand();
$dy = rand();
$x = floatval("55.7$dx");
$y = floatval("37.7$dy");
$res = [$x, $y];
return json_encode($res);
By default render() use /resources/views/map.blade.php with next content:
{!! $map !!}
But you can change it, use next code:
$map = new Leaflet([
'view' => 'name_your_view',
The BSD License (BSD). Please see License File for more information.