The Northwind Traders Sales Analysis project involves analyzing the sales data of a fictitious company called Northwind Traders. The project aims to provide insights and answer key business questions to help the company make informed decisions.
The project utilizes the Northwind Database, which includes the following tables:
- Suppliers
- Customers
- Employees
- Products
- Shippers
- Orders
- Order_Details
The project addresses various questions and tasks:
- Displaying the employees expected to be in Seattle
- Listing the details of all shippers used by the company
- Listing the ten cheapest products
- Listing the countries of Northwind Trader's suppliers
- Calculating the total value of units for each supplier
- Displaying the top 3 most expensive products
- Displaying employee details for sales representatives
- Determining the top 5 ordered products
- Determining the bottom 5 ordered products
- Counting the number of employees hired within a specific period
- Displaying product details containing the word "spread"
- Calculating the total revenue based on product orders within a specific date range
- Counting the number of products sold as beverages
- Counting the number of products sold as confections
To run the queries and perform the analysis, you need access to the Northwind Database and a SQL client. Execute the provided SQL statements against the appropriate tables to obtain the desired results.
Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, improvements, or additional questions/tasks to include, feel free to submit a pull request.