High level swift wrapper for the Nabto Edge Client SDK. Depends on the low-level NabtoEdgeClientApi cocoapod.
Use the following Podfile to install through cocoapods:
target 'NabtoEdgeClientHello' do
pod 'NabtoEdgeClientSwift'
For more installation instructions, see the iOS getting started guide.
See the API intro to learn how to use the wrapper to invoke Nabto Edge devices.
Until a full example app is ready, take a look at the integration tests for examples of how each SDK feature is used.
To build the wrapper, retrieving dependencies through CocoaPods:
git clone [email protected]:nabto/edge-client-swift.git
cd edge-client-swift/NabtoEdgeClient
pod install
open NabtoEdgeClient.xcworkspace
Alternatively, obtain the Nabto Edge Client SDK binary library directly from the artifacts repo instead of using CocoaPods.
Remote tests are run towards some central test devices.
To enable testing of mDNS discovery, run a local test device as follows:
git clone --recursive [email protected]:nabto/nabto-embedded-sdk.git
cd nabto-embedded-sdk
mkdir _build
cd _build
cmake -j ..
cd _build
./examples/simple_mdns/simple_mdns_device pr-mdns de-mdns swift-test-subtype swift-txt-key swift-txt-val
Execute test from xcode or commandline:
xcodebuild test -workspace "NabtoEdgeClient/NabtoEdgeClient.xcworkspace" -scheme NabtoEdgeClientTests \
-destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 8'
Add local repo:
pod repo add local-repo ~/git/local-cocoapods-repo.git
Push spec to local repo:
pod repo push local-repo NabtoEdgeClientSwift.podspec