- Description
- Links
- Features
- Built with
- User Journey
- User stories
- Installing the project locally
- Team members
Our site is a site to search for countries and get information about them. So that when you start typing the letters in the search entry, it starts searching in the countries, is visible, and displays them to you in the form of a drop-down list for the country option. Then press the search button to display the country's information (flag, currency, name, population, and geographical location)
- The first one is to get the general info of any country. Click here to check it out.
- Simple UI
- Using APIs
- Pretty design
- Responsive
- Usefully website
- HTML → to build the structure of the pages
- CSS → to style the application
- JS|DOM Manipulations → To create interaction between the page and the user
- use APIs.
- node_modules
- eslint → To Use Style Code
- First, the user will interact with the landing page which contains a summary of the website and an input for search
- Second, on the search Section, the user can search for any country, then a recommendation list would appear as he starts typing.
- Third, after the user chooses a country, it will appear on the general info section that contains main information about the selected country, and a button that would show him a country location on Google map.
- Finally, if the User search for text that does not country should appear text Error.
- As a user, I should be able to search for any country worldwide.
- As a user, I will get information about the country that I searched for.
git clone https://github.com/GSG-G11/team-7-autocomplete-website
cd team-7-autocomplete-website
npm install
code .
npm start
==> For run Project