In this project we implement A/B testing techniques using Frequentist
approach and Bayesian
approach to test the significance
of churn rate mong two group of music listeners
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
We are using dataset donated by KKBOX
. The company offers subscription based music service. Since the subscription is renewed
every month. It is importnt to know if the customer churn after a certain period of time. The data consist of user_logs
and the
customer churn
logs = pd.read_csv("user_logs_v2.csv", usecols=["msno", "total_secs"])
churn = pd.read_csv("train_v2.csv")
Our objective is to test the significance of music listeners who spent more than mean
time and less than mean
time on playing
the music and test if the two groups of the music listeners is siginificantly different
from each other in there respective
churn rate
From user_logs
we will sum all the seconds of every unique customer and get the total seconds its spends on playing the
music every month
logs = logs.groupby("msno").sum()
We will join the two datasets (log_userv2 and train_v2) to observe of the users churn away based on there listening time
df = logs.merge(churn, how="inner", on="msno")
del churn, logs
Then we convert the total_seconds to hours
df["total_secs"] = df["total_secs"]/(60*60)
Caluclating the mean time of all users
mean_time = df["total_secs"].mean()
Seprating users based on more_than_mean
and less_than_mean
df["mean_time"] = df["total_secs"] > mean_time
more_than_mean = df[df["mean_time"] == True].sample(100000)
less_than_mean = df[df["mean_time"] == False].sample(100000)
In the frequentist approach we establish the significance of data based on given model and verify the result using the probability assosiated with the difference in the means of two groups. In this method first we calulate the sample size for our test
pop = []
p1 = []
for i in range(1,2000):
postives = float(more_than_mean["is_churn"].sample(i*50).sum())
p2 = []
for i in range(1,2000):
postives = float(less_than_mean["is_churn"].sample(i*50).sum())
plt.scatter(x=pop, y=p1, s=0.8, color="red")
plt.scatter(x=pop, y=p2, s=0.8, color="black")
plt.xlabel("Sample Size")
plt.ylim(0.06, 0.12);
We calculate the sample size using the margin of error concept. We calculated the margin of error using the formulae
def sample_size(z, p, error):
n = (z**2) * ((p*(1-p))/(error**2))
return np.ceil(n)
# for margen of error = 0.005%
# z = 1.96
# p is unknown (0.5)
sample_size(1.96, 0.5, 0.005)
We choose the sample size of 100000 for both groups
p1 = proportion of listners who plays less_then_mean
p2 = proportion of listners who plays more_then_mean
$H_0$ : the churn rate for listeners who plays more than mean is not different than the listeners who plays less than the
(p1-p2 = 0)
$H_A$ : the churn rate for listeners who plays more than mean is different than the listeners who plays less than the
(p1-p2 != 0)
# proportions
def prop(freq):
churn = freq.sum()
total = len(freq)
return churn/total
p1 = prop(less_than_mean["is_churn"])
p2 = prop(more_than_mean["is_churn"])
p1p2 = p1 - p2
Before testing the hypothesis we have to make sure tht distribution of p1-p2 follows normal distribution. In order to test it we to prove two assumptions to be true
- Independence within and between the group
- Test the success-failure condition
Since we are testing p1-p2=0 we need to calculate pooled proportions using formulae
def pooled_prop(s1, s2):
pool = (s1.sum() + s2.sum())/(len(s1) + len(s2))
return pool
ppool = pooled_prop(less_than_mean["is_churn"], more_than_mean["is_churn"])
For Success -Failure condition to be true
def sfcondition(p, s1, s2):
a = []
a.append(p * len(s1))
a.append(p * len(s2))
a.append((1-p) * len(s1))
a.append((1-p) * len(s1))
a = np.array(a) > 10
return np.all(a)
sfcondition(ppool, less_than_mean["is_churn"], more_than_mean["is_churn"])
Standard Error pooled
def se_pooled(p, s1, s2):
x1 = (p*(1-p))/(len(s1))
x2 = (p*(1-p))/(len(s2))
se = np.sqrt(x1 + x2)
return se
sepool = se_pooled(ppool, less_than_mean["is_churn"], more_than_mean["is_churn"])
def z_static(x, p, se):
z = (x - p) / se
return z
z_value = z_static(p1p2, 0, sepool)
from scipy import stats
p_value = stats.norm.sf(z_value)
print(2 *p_value)
# two tailed test
2 * p_value > 0.05
Therefore we reject the Null Hypothesis and accept the Alternted Hypothesis, there is significant difference between the churn rate of listeners who play more than mean and less than mean hours
In permutation approach there is no need to test the assumption of normality because we generate the null distribution using random shuffling of the samples
Null distribution is generated using shuffling the bag of samples and drawing the samples from group A and group B without replacement and record the test static for each permutation. We repeat the process to get a smooth Null Hypothesis distribution
bag = pd.concat([more_than_mean["is_churn"], less_than_mean["is_churn"]])
p1p2_random = []
n_perm = 100000
for i in range(1000):
x = bag.sample(frac=1)
a = x[:100000].sum()
b = x[100000:].sum()
p1 = a/100000
p2 = b/100000
diff = p1 - p2
sns.kdeplot(data=p1p2_random, color="red", fill=True)
We test the hypothesis by adding all p values which are greater than or equal to p1-p2, i.e. values that are as or more extreme than the observe value
We test this p value against the significance level and decide wether to retain or reject the Null hypothesis
since the value are know close to the p1p2 threshold we assume probability to be approximately 0
0.0 > 0.05
Therefore we reject the Null Hypothesis and accept the Alternted Hypothesis, there is significant difference between the churn rate of listeners who play more than mean and less than mean hours
In Bayesian method we take into account the uncertainity assosiated with the model. In Bayesian approach we calculate the model based on the given data which incorporate uncertainity within model for each piece of additional information.
For the sake of performing bayesian AB testing we will seprate 100000 samples from each group of more_than_mean and less_thn_mean and pretend this data to have not been seen before
Genrating prior distribution for each group
prior = df[~((df["msno"].isin(more_than_mean)) | (df["msno"].isin(less_than_mean)))]
prior_more = []
for i in range(1000):
mean = prior[prior["mean_time"] == True]["is_churn"].sample(1000).mean()
prior_less = []
for i in range(1000):
mean = prior[prior["mean_time"] == False]["is_churn"].sample(1000).mean()
sns.kdeplot(data=prior_more, color="black" ,fill=True, label="more_than_mean")
sns.kdeplot(data=prior_less, color="red", fill=True, label="less_than_mean");
Now first we calculate prior distribution by fitting data from prior and using beta distribution to calculate alpha and beta value for both the groups
# fit the beta distribution
from scipy import stats
beta_more =, floc=0, fscale=1)
beta_more_alpha = beta_more[0]
beta_more_beta = beta_more[1]
beta_less =, floc=0, fscale=1)
beta_less_alpha = beta_less[0]
beta_less_beta = beta_more[1]
From the distribution of both groups we can observe both have high uncertainity
prior_distribution_more = stats.beta(beta_more_alpha, beta_more_beta).rvs(1000)
prior_distribution_less = stats.beta(beta_less_alpha, beta_less_beta).rvs(1000)
sns.kdeplot(data=prior_distribution_more, color="black", fill=True, label="more_than_mean")
sns.kdeplot(data=prior_distribution_less, color="red", fill=True, label="less_than_mean");
Now we will introduce new users churn information into the beta distributions to see how parametersand posterior are updated and how two startegies perform in comparison to each other in long term (100 step with data of 1000 new users in each step)
prob = []
start = 0
end = 1000
batch_size = 1000
prior_alpha_more = beta_more_alpha
prior_beta_more = beta_more_beta
prior_alpha_less = beta_less_alpha
prior_beta_less = beta_less_beta
for i in range(100):
more_churn = more_than_mean.iloc[start:end, 2].sum()
more_not_churn = 1000 - more_churn
less_churn = less_than_mean.iloc[start:end, 2].sum()
less_not_churn = 1000 - less_churn
posterior_more = stats.beta(prior_alpha_more + more_churn, prior_beta_more + more_not_churn)
posterior_less = stats.beta(prior_alpha_less + less_churn, prior_beta_less + less_not_churn)
more_sample = posterior_more.rvs(1000)
less_sample = posterior_less.rvs(1000)
p = np.mean(less_sample > more_sample)
prior_alpha_more = prior_alpha_more + more_churn
prior_beta_more = prior_beta_more + more_not_churn
prior_alpha_less = prior_alpha_less + less_churn
prior_beta_less = prior_beta_less + less_not_churn
start = start + batch_size
end = end + batch_size
sns.kdeplot(data=more_sample, color="black", fill=True, label="more_than_mean")
sns.kdeplot(data=less_sample, color="red", fill=True, label="less_than_mean");
After 100 rounds of observation we can clearly see that strategy of more_than_mean work less_than_mean 99.99% of time
sample_size = np.arange(0, 100000, step=1000)
ax = sns.scatterplot(x=sample_size[:20], y=prob[:20], color="black")
sns.lineplot(x=sample_size, y=prob, color="red", linewidth=2.0)
ax.set_xlabel("Sample Size")