v0.8.0: The long-awaited 0.8.0 release with RFID suport among other joys:
released this
23 Jun 06:21
* Added visual feedback for ASR (fix #55)
* Added RFID support (fix #21)
* Fixed install script (fix #98)
* Fixed a crash when RFID driver is not loaded (fix #98)
* Added display of SSH status with warning for default password
* Added RFID support to nabsurprised
* Fixed various typos (thanks @BoOsteous, @Framb75 and Kaleo)
* Fixed a timescale computation incompatibility in choreographies with Nabaztag and Nabaztag:tag
* Fixed interpretation in LEDs indexes in choreographies for compatibility with Nabaztag and Nabaztag:tag
* Fixed ears orientation and offset for compatibility with Nabaztag and Nabaztag:tag
* Fixed a bug where parts of messages were not played
* Fixed a bug where choreographies were not played entirely in messages with no audio
* Made sure choreographies started and ended in known states, losely matching Nabaztag and Nabaztag:tag behavior
* Fixed inconsistencies in ear positions
* Added support for cancelation of messages by pressing the button (fix #9)
* Fixed issue where weather forecast failed with Farenheit in US English
* Added Farenheit sounds in several languages
* Added 8ball sounds in several languages
* Made sure interactive commands are run asynchronously (making them cancelable)
* Added interactive books service (fix #23)
* Added zram-tools in image
* Used 2020-02-13 Raspbian as base image
* Fixed a bug where Mastodon interface would disappear when changing locale (#49)
* Updated weather and airquality services as asked by the people's republic of Nabaztag