Direct port of python's Twisted Deferred module to coffeescript and thus javascript.
git clone git://
cd nodejs-twisted-deferreds
(sudo) npm link
- coffeescript
- nodeunit (for running the tests)
This is a contrived example that reads the contents of a file, trims the whitespace and prints the result to the console. If an error occurs then it is logged.
fs = require('fs')
defer = require('twisted-deferred')
Deferred = defer.Deferred
# Create Deferred instance that will track the steps
d = new Deferred()
# Add a step that cleans the content
d.addCallback (content) ->
return content.trim()
# Add a step that uses the cleaned content
d.addCallback (cleanedContent) ->
console.log cleanedContent
# If there is an error at any step make sure it is logged.
d.addErrback (err) ->
console.error err
# Grab the content from the file and start the procedure
fs.readFile "path", "r", (err, data) ->
if err
d.errback err
d.callback data
It is also possible to wrap existing async code using the toDeferred method: d = defer.toDeferred(fs.readFile, "path") d.addCallback (content) -> console.log content d.addErrback (err) -> # log err
To run the tests ensure that nodeunit is installed. Then run